Long before the nuclear weapons came along, we heard it many times in Indian mythology and ancient texts that not only powerful weapons existed, but they were also used by various people. Some of these weapons had the power to annihilate the whole universe. This provides us with some fascinating reading, as we can related to these weapons with modern warfare.
Lord Rama and his weapons
Probably the most written and popular is the Brahmastra, which is has found mention in Mahabharat and The Ramayana. This was the most potent and could be used once in the lieftime. Lord Ram earlier intended to use this against Sagar (Sea god),as he wanted to ocean to give way to Lanka. Sagar was not yielding when Rama requested him, so as the last measure, he resorted to use the Brahmastra. Sagar promplty complied. By this time, the Brahmastra was invoked, so Rama has directed it towards a place, where it could do minimal harm.

Ravana’s killing: Lord Rama used prasvapna as the means to evaporate the amrita (nectar) from Ravana, which was the reason Ravana was not dying. This important advice was given by Vibheeshana to him.

In the war, he used Gandharvastra to kill 14000 asurs, as this weapon compelled asuras to think that the next person fighting to them is Rama. Thus they fought with each other and killed themselves. Only two people knew to use this weapon, Rama and Ravana, though Ram only had the knowledge to neutralize this.
Earlier, in his student days, Lord Rama used Manava upon Maricha.

Lakshman and his weapons
Lakshman used various weapons in this war. He has killed Ravana’s son Meghnad. He used Varunaastra which Meghnaad failed. He used Sauryaastra to neutralize Meghnaad’s Aagneyastra . Then Lakshman had to use powerful weapon named Maheshwar to stop Meghnad’s asur weapon. Meghnad was killed when Lakshman used Indrastra. Prior to that Meghnaad used his powerful weapon Shakti, due to which Laskhman was unconscious on battle field. Hanuman brought Sanjeevani to revive him.

Meghnaad managed to imprison Rama and Laxmana in Naagpaash. Hanuman sought the help of Garud to free Rama and Lakshman. This is a very interesting and important incident, where the gods have been rendered helpless and had to seek help of mortals. Thus this mythology story is a teacher which teaches us to be humble, as help is needed by gods too.

Meghnaad’s boon and his death – Meghnaad had this boon that he could not be killed after performing a yagya. After completing the yagya, he would have received a rath (chariot) and while sitting on this, he could not be killed. Rama was told by Vibheeshan of this fact and Rama ordered him, Lakshman and Hanuman to go and stop this yagya. There was a precondition that he could not touch any weapon when performing this yagya.
There they disturbed his yagya and did not allow him to complete the yagya. So he had to get up in the middle of the yagya and fought with Lakshman and Hanumaan only with Yagya utensils. He was very angry with Vibheeshan, his uncle. He had saved a Divine Astra, Yamastra, to kill him, so he used it to kill him, but Kuber had already warned Lakshman about it, so Lakshman countered it and saved himself. Meghnaad used his three most fierce Astra (Brahmastra, Pashupatastra and Vaishnavastra) at Lakshman but to his surprise none of them even touched him; rather Vaishnavaastra circumambulated Lakshman before disappearing.
Meghnaad realized that Lakshman was no ordinary man, so he briefly disappeared from the battle ground and came to his father, told him everything and requested to make peace with Rama. But Ravana rebuked him for being coward, so Meghnaad again came to the battle after bidding good bye to his parents and wife. He fought with Lakshman fiercely and then was killed by Indrastra.

add some more pictures.
Thanks for your advice, Manikanadan. You may like to visit following articles of mythological stories with pictures.
Navratri pics https://ritsin.com/durga-pictures-depicting-navratri-storeis-navdurga-indian-festival.html/
Bal Kand – Ramayana https://ritsin.com/story-of-the-ramayana-in-pictures-bal-kand-valmiki.html/
Ayodhya Kand – Ramayana https://ritsin.com/the-ramayana-story-in-pictures-ayodhya-kand-2.html/
Festival of Janmashtmi https://ritsin.com/shri-krishna-story-in-pictures-janmashtami-festival.html/
Dashavatar pics https://ritsin.com/dashavatar-pictures-indian-mythology-2-lord-vishnu-krishna-parshurama-rama.html/
Dashavatar pics https://ritsin.com/dashavatar-pictures-indian-mythology-matasya-kurma-varaha-narsingh-vamana-images.html/
could i get the pictures of mahabharada characters,their weapons,conch and war.
Thanks for a wonderful read 🙂
amazing facts
Really interesting facts and well depicted. Thanks
me gusta esto.
really a great read…… just wanna add 1 thing that all this is no “mythology” because all this is no myth this is history of our country n proof that our ancestors were no apes but great sages who knew n developed sophisticated sciences.
wt a great fact to be known………..
Lovely thanks for the interesting info 🙂
Mind blowing
Most of your interpretention are incorrect to say the least. LAXMAN was an alien, Meghnad and Ravan were aliens with galactic movement capability and with a superior and sophisticated space technology. Suparnakha, Ravan’s so called sister, was a robot with artificial intelligence driven motor. The same is true with Kumvakarna.. Hanuman and most of the monkey soldiers are robots with the power to fly. The weapons used in Ramayana are used by aliens and guided by artificial intelligence with nuclear or laser technology. Enjoy!
इतने सुंदर चित्रों के माध्यम से रामायण का वर्णन सराहनीय है। पर दुःख है कि इसका प्रसार सीमित लगता है।
ऐसा लगता है यह सारी भक्ति दर्शनीय है। यह बच्चों के लिए अति रोचक है।
Really wonderful thx for the detailed narration.