Parshurama sleeping in Karna's lap

The Untold Story of Karna: 7 Facts That Will Surprise You

Karna was the eldest son of Kunti. He was born with blessings of Lord Surya before Kunti was wedded, so Kunti did not raise him. He, being the eldest and most deserving, had to live his life in obscurity. The only fault was his timing of birth, where he had no control over. Read some of the fate’s cruelty imparted to him.

The curse of Parshurama

Parashurama, an incarnation of Vishnu, loathed Kshatriyas and refused to teach them archery. Undeterred, Karna lied about his lineage to gain knowledge from the great warrior. One afternoon, seeking rest under a tree, Parashurama requested a pillow. Karna, in a gesture of utmost devotion, offered his own lap as a headrest. While Parashurama slept soundly, a giant bee stung Karna’s thigh. Despite the searing pain, Karna remained perfectly still, unwilling to disturb his teacher’s slumber. The excruciating sting worsened, and blood began to flow from the wound. This, finally, roused Parashurama from his sleep.

Parshurama sleeping in Karna's lap
Parshurama sleeping in Karna’s lap

Then Parashurama deduced at once that Karna is a kshatriya and not a Brahmin because a brahmin  can not endure such pain. So, he cursed him that all his martial skill including use of Brahmastra would desert him when he needed them most.This meant that he would forget all that he had learned from Parashurama during his hours of crisis. He was unaware of his royal lineage pleaded that any student in his place would do the same and he was son of Vasusena,  a mere charioteer and not a kshatriya.

Though Parashurama regretted cursing him in a moment of anger as his curse was irrevocable. He gifted him a celestial weapon Bhargavastra along with his personal bow called Vijaya and blessed him with everlasting glory and immortal fame.

Karna kills a cow accidentally

Departing from Parashuram’s ashram he wandered for some time. On his way he killed a cow that was rushing towards him by shooting an arrow. Incensed by this incident, the brahmin who owned the cow cursed. He said as he had killed a helpless animal, he too would be killed in the same way i.e. when he was most helpless with his concentration being diverted away from his enemy at that crucial moment.

Curse by Bhoomi Devi

Once he was riding his chariot in his kingdom of Anga. He encountered a child who was crying over her pot of spilt ghee. On asking her reason, she stated that she feared her step mother would be angry over her carelessness.  Being generous enough he told her that he would give her new ghee. But the child insisted that she wanted only the ghee which was mixed with the soil and refused to take new ghee. Taking pity on the girl, took the soil mixed with ghee in his fist and squeezed it with all his might to extract the ghee and pour it back into the pot.During this process, Karna heard the agonised voice of a  women. When he opened his fist he realised it was voice of Bhoomidevi, furious Bhoomidevi chastised him for inflicting enormous pain for sake of mere child so, she cursed him that in a very crucial battle of life she would trap his chariot wheel in the same way that he held the fistful of soil.

Thus he was cursed on three separate and independent occasions. Unfortunately, each of these curses became operational at the same crucial moment in the kurukshetra war thus making him weapon less, left without chariot and helpless. These three curses are the main reason of his fall.

Generous Karna

On the eve of Mahabharat battle, Lord Indra disguised as an old Brahamin went to him and asked for his Kavach and Kundal in daan (alms) Indra asked for this gift so as to reduce his strength, as he was  apprehensive that Karna by virtue of his phenomenal skill as a warrior would defeat Arjuna. Karna was being cautioned by by Sun God about such move of Lord Indra. But he was so large hearted that he could not refuse anyone and inspite of knowing that Indra is playing a trick he parted his kawach and kundal, which were part of his body since birth and made him invincible. Indra was pleased with his generosity and granted him a vardan (boon). Karna asked for his weapon shakti which can destroy any enemy Indra granted him that on a condition that he can use it only once.

Karna donating Kavach and Kundal to Indra

When Karna was on his death bed, Lord Indra and Surya had a dispute regarding his generosity. To settle this they disguise as a beggar and asked for alms. He responded that he had nothing left with him for them. The beggar replied that he had some gold on his tooth which would be valuable for them. On realizing this fact, he took a stone and broke his tooth and gave it to beggar, epitomizing the ‘way of life’ he led.

Karna born with Kavach and Kundal
Karna born with Kavach and Kundal

Karna’s promise to Kunti

As the war approached Kunti met his son to reveal his true identity. Kunti asked him to join Pandavas and become king. He stated that he can’t betray his friend Duryodhan. However he promised that he would not attempt to kill any of the Pandavas except Arjuna. He knew very well that Arjun is under the divine aegis of lord Krishna and hence invincible. This way he would be able to pay off Duryodhan’s debt while performing the duties of elder brother. So he told Kunti that she could only keep her 5 sons being him or Arjuna.

Karna in battle field

Bhishma, the commander in chief of Kaurava’s refused his participation in war under his leadership saying that Karna has insulted his guru Parshuram by insulting Draupadi and nobody insulting his guru can fight under my leadership. Bhisma also knew about Karna’s true ancestry and did not want him to fight against his own brothers . Consequently Karna entered the battle field only on 11th day after the fall of Bhisma on 10th day.

Birth of Karna

He was born before his mother Kunti was married to  prince Pandu. Kunti was granted a boon from sage Durvasa who was very pleased with her service and hospitality. The boon was that she can call upon any God to beget a child. Out of curiosity Kunti still being unmarried wanted to test the power of mantra. She invoked the mantra and called Sun God (Surya), bound by the power of mantra Surya appeared and handed her a son, who was radiant and robust as Surya himself. the baby had a Kavach (armour) and kundal (ear ring) attached to his body. Though Kunti didn’t physically give birth to the baby, she was unwilling to face the world as an unwed mother so she placed Karna in a basket and set him float on the holy river Ganga.

He was founded by charioteer, he and his wife Radha raised him and named him Vasusena. He was also known as Radheya after her foster mother.

Birth of Karna and Kunti letting him go away
Birth of Karna and Kunti letting him go away

Karna – The King of Ang Desh (Province)

Drona, the warrior instructor, held a competition in Hastinapur to find the best warrior among the princes. Arjuna emerged victorious, but Karna wasn’t about to be left behind. He stepped forward and matched Arjuna feat for feat. However, his talent was disregarded – Drona refused him entry simply because of his birth as a charioteer’s son. This public humiliation stung Karna deeply.

Even Kunti, present in the audience, remained silent. The burden of her secret kept her from acknowledging Karna as her son. But Duryodhana saw both Karna’s potential and the injustice done. He crowned Karna king of Anga, forever securing his loyalty and friendship.

Karna, a loyal friend

On the onset of war of Mahabharat, his mother Kunti met him and revealed his identity and asked him to take the side of Pandavas. He replied that he can’t betray his friend Duryodhana. Krishna also revealed his identity and asked him to join Pandava side. Krishna assured also him that being the eldest Pandava, he will be given the crown of Hastinapur but  he refused this enormous offer for his friend Duryodhana. Though Krishna was sad with his decision but appreciated his loyalty.

Why was Lord Krishna so against Karna in the Mahabharata

Because Karna was with Duryodhana and he was not following the path of Dharma. But at the same time, he could not be faulted as this was his fate.

Did Karna have the knowledge of the Chakravyuha?

It is not written that he had the knowledge of Chakravyuh, but being the disciple of Lord Parshurama, he would have known this.

Why does Karna not kill Arjun

He could not, because Krishna was with Arjuna, but Lord Indra has also ensured that Arjuna remained invincible by asking the Kavach and Kundala.

Karna – the unfortunate who deserved

The reason for Karna’s suffering is no longer a myth.

Seven little known facts from the Mahabharata

Pandavas exile – seven little known facts from the Mahabharata

Unknown fact about Draupadi – Why she had five husbands

When incarnation of Lord Vishnu could not defeat his bhakta

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Manish Mishra
12 years ago

I like very much Karna character in mahabharta.

Anand Shankar
Anand Shankar
12 years ago

It seems that everybody was interested in cursing Karna only. Why Bhoomi would curse Karna for a good job ? How squeezing a very small amount of soil can harm Earth, who bears even volcanoes ? This is a myth that was added in Mahabharata in latter days.

Son of Bharat Desh
Son of Bharat Desh
10 years ago
Reply to  Anand Shankar

That is a base less story both the curses were given by Brahmin. If the story is true bhumi would have cursed everyone who digged wells for water

Parjanya Sai
8 years ago
Reply to  Anand Shankar

the explosion of volcanoes is very small amount compared to the karna’s squeeze…..ya i felt wrong there….he did gud for the child but instead he got curse in return

Ureda Kabir
Ureda Kabir
12 years ago

Karna is made of goodness. His kindness and truthfulness in everything indicate his purity.

Nishant Motling
12 years ago

Karna…Inspired me….. 4 living

Tejas Modak
10 years ago

Karna also inspired me …

11 years ago


10 years ago
Reply to  peter

Friend its in Kerala and uttar pradesh

sunita thakur
sunita thakur
10 years ago
Reply to  peter

Presensty Karna is nown as MAHU NAG. In Himachal Predesh there was 108 temples of (Karn) The Lord MAHU Nag

10 years ago
Reply to  peter

You should visit a temple called Manaskamna nath Mandir situated at Nathnagar, in Bhagalpur District of Bihar, India. It is said that King Karna used to give away few kilos of old everyday in alms to poor. And before giving them, he worshipped Lord Shiva at this temple. Nearby the temple you can find the Palace of King Karna, which is known only by few localites.

10 years ago
Reply to  Namrata

In history, Nathnagar was known as Angh pradesh, of which Karna was the Ruler (Raja). The capital city of Nathnagar was Champanagri which in present days is known as Champa Nagar.

Tejas Modak
10 years ago
Reply to  peter

Good point

Sukhi Singh
Sukhi Singh
11 years ago

No doubt… that's why he is called as Danveer Karna!

Ancient Indian UFO
11 years ago

Join Ancient Indian UFO To know more abt Ancient India.

Sandeep Kumar
11 years ago

friend,,,lets make it available in hindi also…i have a good catch on hindi…if u need any help…i will defiantly do…i love ur page…its great

11 years ago
Reply to  Sandeep Kumar

if u hav karna story in hindi can u pls send me….

9 years ago
Reply to  akash

See surya putra karn in you tube then you also find in hindi

Kay Guna
Kay Guna
11 years ago

Parashurama was a nutcase

Son of Bharat Desh
Son of Bharat Desh
10 years ago
Reply to  Kay Guna

Looks like you are a nutcase. What karna did was very wrong, cheating guru was considered as big sin in any yuga. So he was cursed for doing that din

Tejas Modak
10 years ago

He was not cheating. He even didn’t know that he was khastriya !!!

Silpa Jyoti Majhi
Silpa Jyoti Majhi
10 years ago

i know karna did wrong but think why he did that.he knew that he was a sutaputra and it would ne very difficult for him to learn archery from a guru.that is why he lied. so none of parsurama and karna was nutcase.the social system was to be blamed as they looked on lower castes badly.

9 years ago

When it is well known fact that karn deserved all those divyastra…and it wasn’t his fault that he raised by a charioteer…what he was necessary..

kuldeep chavan
kuldeep chavan
8 years ago

What u had done when none is going to teach you ?
U cab learn true archery skills without a guru like eklavya but for celestial weapons you need a guru.
Eveb though lord parashurama is incarnation of lord vishny is a a lord he must not do castism shame for god.

kuldeep chavan
kuldeep chavan
8 years ago

What you do if nobody is ready to teach you due to castism without hus fault?
You can learn true archery skills by own like eklavya but for celestial weapons we need a guru?
What is his fault that he wants a good guru?
It is shame for lord pashurama do castism.
Is it not shame that a man must say false to get knoledg to lord?
Nutcase parashu……

Dawood Afridi
11 years ago

karna is the best acher in mahabharat comparing to arjuna…

Tejas Modak
10 years ago
Reply to  Dawood Afridi

Off course !!!

Uday Arun
Uday Arun
11 years ago

karna is the only danveer on this earth who had not taken anything from anyone.No debit on him, neither mother, father, guru nor god krishna.

Son of Bharat Desh
Son of Bharat Desh
10 years ago
Reply to  Uday Arun

In your dreams. There is someone before him called as Bali read about him before drawing in to conclusions

Tejas Modak
10 years ago

Karna was also great

10 years ago
Reply to  Uday Arun

yes u r right… but he can do somthing more than that even more,,,,,,,,,,,by knowing everything …….but he should not make arjun life to pay for every his bad…… but the people sholud have become indipendent…and live in lovable nature,,,,,

11 years ago

Karna was the actual hero in mahabharat as compared to Arjuna

Son of Bharat Desh
Son of Bharat Desh
10 years ago
Reply to  Suryakant

Utter non sense … Read Mahabharata before making don’t trust tv serials. He is great warrior .. That is true but not beyond Arjuna… You should realize that was tested by lord shiva and was praised by lord shiva for his war skills. Mahabharata is not a story about individuals there much beyond individuals in it try to catch those points from it. Don’t waste your energy on these kind of useless discussions. Karna is a good and noble human but entire his life he failed to overrule bad and protect good and ultimately died fighting for bad, so one must understand that living like karna is just not sufficient but you should also have mindset and intention to counter bad and evil

10 years ago

man,pathetic thoughts you have. wanna have a taste of generosity karna possesed try to keep yourself at same place you’ll find differnce b/w his and your decision. noone can live a life with flavour of hatred from everyone

Tejas Modak
10 years ago

Then go **** yourself as arjun !!!

arpit gaur
10 years ago

Karna was better than arjuna but it didn’t change the fact arjun killed his own big brother

9 years ago

Bharat Desh was right. Without proper knowledge on complete history, it is not right to conclude Karna is right in all respects. This is not to offend anyone, but requesting everyone to know the complete facts as told in Mahabharat and then decide who is a mighty warrior. For those who have not gone through Mahabharat, read the 4 series article posted at

After all, Lord Krishna is impartial to everyone and every living entity is his part and parcel as confirmed in Bhagavad Gita (Mamaivamsho jiva loke jiva bhuta sanatanah). So, he need have to grudge on someone and show favour on someone. Whatever he does has a reason behind.

9 years ago
Reply to  rajaramadasa

karna was a true, noble and good hearted warrior.a man should live like karna.not any other characters in mahabharat have worth for it. when during the contest in hastinpur why kunthi kept her mouth shut.she has chances to reveal the secret on that time.if she revealed the secret why karna going to make friendship with duriyothan.karna life is a lesson for worst mothers not for men.

Uday bharti
Uday bharti
8 years ago

Why God Krishna and Hanuman was on the Arjun chariot if Arjun could defeat karna with his skill. Why lord krishna praises when he moves arjun chariot mere 2 feet away while arjun moves karn chariot 11 feet away…….. If you have all knowledge do enlighten me plz

11 years ago

karna is the one whose sacrifices would be remembered till the end of the time he is the true hero my brother’s name is also karan

Son of Bharat Desh
Son of Bharat Desh
10 years ago
Reply to  singh

Tell your brother to take all good things from Karan’s life and learn from his mistakes and live better life then he did

11 years ago

Can anyone please tell me that :- When Lord Krishna was present at that time,Why so much unfair was done to Dhaanveer Karan..?

10 years ago
Reply to  Srush

Karna should learn to deal things himself. Do u always depend on God?

Narayan Dhanup Varma
Narayan Dhanup Varma
11 years ago

Me too like Karna the most in all the puranas

10 years ago

Well, only those who give to others will know the pure joy in this world. Karnan is a hero.

Revathy Guna
10 years ago

karna is real hero and great friend

10 years ago

Karnan is a right man for archery than arjuna

10 years ago

The real hero is karna not a arjun in mahabharat. I like karna very much…

amarnath jha
amarnath jha
10 years ago
Reply to  kiran

I agree with u.karna is better person and warrior than arjun.i aspire with him.i like karn very much.

10 years ago
Reply to  amarnath jha

Karen arjun see jyada powerfully that.he was best among all

10 years ago

*** karna, for being birth on that day

Pugazhendhi Pugazhendhi


veena gupta
veena gupta
10 years ago

Karna has always been my favourite, specially after reading ‘ Mrityunjaya’ by Shivaji Savant. Perhaps greatness of character and soul is more prominent in times of adversity. His only fault was his loyalty to Duryodhan, the evil one. Inspite of some of his actions, he was a true dharmic at heart.

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