Babhruvahana is a character in Hindu mythology who is the son of Arjuna, one of the Pandavas, and his wife, Chitrangada. According to Hindu mythology, Babhruvahana was born as a result of Arjuna’s encounter with the kingdom of Manipur and its princess, Chitrangada.
Ashwamedha Yagya
In the Mahabharata, Babhruvahana plays a significant role in the story of Arjuna’s yagya against the kingdom of Manipur. During the war, Arjuna was challenged by Babhruvahana, who was then the ruler of Manipur. The two engaged in a fierce battle, in which Babhruvahana killed Arjuna with a weapon given to him by his mother.
Shri Krishna brings Arjuna back to life
However, Lord Krishna, who was a close ally of the Pandavas, brought Arjuna back to life using a divine weapon. Arjuna then reconciled with his son and restored his kingdom to him.

The story of Babhruvahana is significant in Hindu mythology, as it demonstrates the importance of filial piety and the power of divine intervention. Babhruvahana is considered a symbol of the complex relationships between fathers and sons, and his actions are seen as a testament to the importance of loyalty, courage, and selflessness. The story is also a reminder of the ultimate victory of good over evil and the triumph of righteousness.