Importance of Lord Vishnu’s mantra is detailed below.
I bow to Lord Vishnu the One Master of the Universe, who is ever peaceful, who reclines on the great serpent bed, from whose navel springs the Lotus of the Creative Power, who is the Supreme Being, who supports the entire universe, who is all-pervading as the sky, who is dark like the clouds and has a beautiful form; the Lord of Lakshmi, the lotus-eyed One, whom the yogis are able to perceive through meditation, He, who is the destroyer of the fear of Samsar.

Significance of Garuda as the Vehicle of Vishnu
It is the heart of man that is referred to as a bird. It carries the thought of God; it moves swiftly to where He is. His abode is Vaikuntha meaning a place where there is no shadow of grief. How far is it? It is within the hearing distance of every grief – stricken heart. “I do not dwell in Vaikuntha or in the heart of Yogis. I am present wherever my devotees sing my praise Oh Narada”.
The Efficacy of Vishnu Mantra
Lord Vishnu is so compassionate and merciful. Once sage Bhrigu wanted to test the Trinity (the three gods of creation, sustenance and destruction namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) as to who is the most tolerant one. When he used abusive language at the Brahmaloka and Shivaloka, he was duly cursed and punished by them.
Then he went to Vaikunt, the abode of Lord Vishnu. By way of testing the patience and tolerance of the Lord, he kicked the Lord with his foot. At once, Lord Vishnu caught hold of the sage’s feet and caressed it saying that by kicking, the foot would have invited some pain and therefore he wanted to ease his discomfort.
The sage was so amazed with the degree to which the Lord can put up with the act of dishonour. This incident was enough for him to conclude that Lord Vishnu was the most merciful, loving and compassionate Lord.
Praying to Lord Vishnu is a way to get his blessings in abundance. Daily prayers to Vishnu is advised to get the most positive results. Those who want to get their wishes fulfilled must chant Vishnu Mantra on a daily basis completing a round of 108 times.
Wake up early in the morning, light ghee lamp and incense in front of the picture or idol of Lord Vishnu and offer some pure water and flowers besides any prasad you might feel comfortable with. Be seated in front of the altar and chat the mantra sincerely contemplating on the meaning. You will find your wishes coming true in due course with the blessings of Lord Vishnu.