Mahavir mandir (temple) at Patna

Mahavir Mandir or Hanuman temple

One of the most famous Hanuman temple in country. The unique fact is that this temple houses two statues of Hanuman, one is believed to protect the good souls (paritranay sudhunay) and the other to eliminate the bad ones ( Vinashayati cha dushkritam).

Mahavir idols
Mahavir idols

Historically, this temple belonged to ramanand sect but from 1900, it was in the control of gosain sanyasis. in 1948, Patna high court declared it as  a public temple.

The current beautiful and grand temple was constructed in mid 1980s under the patronage of Kishore Kunal. This temple is very close to patna railway station.

Mahavir temple at night, Patna
Mahavir temple at night, Patna

This temple has three floors, ground, first and second. The ground floor contains the idols of Hanuman jee.

First floor

First floor has Lord Rama’s temple. Shri Krishna’s delivering Shrimadbhagwadgita to Arjuna is also portrayed here. Goddess Durga is also present on this floor. Lord Shiva, Parvati and Nandi are also present here. Shiva linga is also available to enable Rudrabhishek.

The floating Ram-setu Shila is also placed on this floor only. It has been kept in a glass container and is revered by the people. The volume of this stone is 13,000 mm, while the weight is approx. 15kgs.

On the first floor, while crossing Dhyanmandap, to the left  Lord Ganesha and Lord Buddha are available and further on, Lord satyanarayan, Lord Rama accompanied by Mother Sita and Goddess Sarasvati seem to cast a benevolent look on the devotees. In front of this façade of deities, below the Pipal tree, is the temple of Shani-maharaj. This temple, designed in the style of cave architecture, looks beautiful.

Second Floor

On the second floor,this  floor is mainly used for ritual purposes. Sanskar mandap is located at this floor only. Chanting of mantras, japa, recitals of Holy Scriptures, Satyanarayan katha and various other rituals are practiced and performed here. The floor also has the pictographic representation of the scenes from the Ramayana.

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12 years ago

सुंदर लेखन

Godmantra Mantras
9 years ago
Jyothi Sree
8 years ago

Jai Hanuman.Hi Friends,
I think "HANUMAN JI" is most powerful god in universe.
I pray to "HANUMAN JI" for long and happy life of every good person in world.
Reading <a href="">hanuman chalisa</a> will give you success.

8 years ago

Jai Hanuman.Hi Friends,
I think “HANUMAN JI” is most powerful god in universe.
I pray to “HANUMAN JI” for long and happy life of every good person in world.
Reading hanuman chalisa will give you success.

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