
Shiva and Sati

Sati and Shakti peeths

Sati and Shakti Peeths have a significant importance in India. Sati is consort of Lord Shiva and there is a story behind the origin of Shakti peeths. Please read on for details on this interesting mythological story about Sati. Sati’s Penance Sati was daughter of Daksh Prajapati who was a ruler. When Sati grew old she performed […]


Seven little known facts from the Mahabharata (2)

Yudhishthira’s Chariot in Mahabharata war Yudhishthira has never lied in life save for one incident. Due to this, his chariot always floated a few inches above the ground. At the Mahabharat War, he told a half lie that “aswathama hatha kunjara” which led to Drona’s demise. As a result of this, his feet and chariot,

Untold incidents from Mahabharata Pandavas exile

Pandavas were sent to exile after they were defeated in the game of dice. They have undergone lot of hardship during this time. Lord Krishna had played a vital role in shaping the fortunes of Pandavas.  Following interesting incidents are taken from Mahabharata which are related to the period when Pandavs were exiled after their

Kalighat Temple – Sati Shakti peeth

Kalighat, a Hindu temple and one from the 52 shakti peeths of India. This temple is dedicated to Goddess Kali. The temple is situated in kolkata on the bank of river Hoogly(bhagirathi). The existence of Kalighat Kali Temple Sati was daughter of king Daksha she married Lord Shiva against the wish of her father. Once

Story of Navgrah or Nine Planets [ Navagrahas ]

Nava means nine and grah means planets. In Hindu mythology, nine planets hold an important place. Navgrahas are believed to have a significant impact on everyone. So Hindus adorn these planets as deities. These can bring peace and harmony in their life and harmony in their life and to avert any mishap. Each planet is

Mahabharata Katha Secrets: The Little-Known Facts Behind The Epic

In Indian mythology, we find mention of stories which are not only interesting, but also serve a message/ purpose. Mahabharata is one such epic, where we find these types of topics in abundance. Here are seven captivating stories from the epic Mahabharata. Arjuna as an eunuch In Indralok, Arjuna was propositioned by apsara Urvashi, but