
Lord Nataraja

The artistic form of Lord Shiva is Lord Nataraja. This is an interesting story which tells how Lord Nataraja has manifested. He originated near the town of Chidambaram at the confluence of two rivers, Vellar and Cooleron.

ॐ श्री चित्रगुप्ताय नमः – The Important Mantra of Lord Chitragupta

चित्रगुप्त भगवान की उत्पत्ति चित्रगुप्त भगवान हिंदू धर्म में देवताओं के एक सचिव हैं। वे भगवान यमराज के सचिव होते हैं और लोगों के कर्मों की जांच करते हैं। चित्रगुप्त भगवान का जन्म भगवान ब्रह्मा के मनस पुत्रों में से एक हैं। चित्रगुप्त की उत्पत्ति के बाद, ब्रह्मा ने उन्हें दक्षिण दिशा के राजा बनाया

How Raja Saudas was rewarded by observing Chitragupta Puja

This is believed that a person’s misdeeds are eradicated by observing the simple rituals of Chitragupta Puja. There is an interesting story of how King Saudas was rewarded. Raja Saudas story There was a king whose name was Saudas . King was unjust and tyrant . He did not ever had the good deed .

Chitragupta Namastubhyam

Best wishes to all the readers of freeflow on Chitragupta Puja. This puja is important as Lord Chitragupta is the record keeper of Lord Yama. He maintains the record of good and bad deeds of every person. On this day, Kayastha people celebrate Chitragupta Puja.   The mantra of Lord Chitragupta can be found at


The festival of Chitragupta puja or dawaat puja

The festival of Chitragupta puja Every year, a day after diwali, Kayastha’s all over the world celebrate Chitragupta puja. This festival is also known as Dawaat puja. It is believed that byy doing this puja, devotees will be benefited as Chitragupta god keeps the record of good and evil deeds of every person. Onthe basis

The Great Leelas and exploits of Lord Krishna

Shri Krishna is most famous and perhaps the most written about among the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. His stories are magical, inspiring and humane. He alone accounted for Pandava’s victory in Mahabharata war. Please read on for some interesting and unknown facts about him.

Seven occasions when Lord Krishna saved Pandavas

Lord Shiva is known as Neelkanth

Do you know when Lord Shiva was a servant of his disciple

This interesting story is found here. Bhole baba gives everything to his disciples. The holy month of Shravan is has arrived. In this month, Lord Shiva is worshipped in various parts of country. Here are some stories on Lord Shiva and on the month of Shravan. More stories on Lord Shiva Seven unknown facts on

Ten unknown interesting stories about Lord Parshuram

Parshuram, Rama with an axe is believed to be sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He was born to Renuka and Jamadagni, one of a saptrishi. He is believed to be one of the immortals of Hindu mythology. According to a legend, it is believed that he still lives at Mahendragiri mountain peak in Orissa. Here