In Hindu religion and mythology, Goddess Lakshmi has great importance. She has eight forms and called Ashta Lakshmi. She, the hindu goddess of beauty, wealth and fertility has eight iconic manifestations. Know about Sanatana Lakshmi here.
Santana Lakshmi
Her name she is bestower offsprings. One who worships Santana Lakshmi are bestowed with the wealth of good children possessing with good health and a long life.
This form of Maa is depicted as six-armed, holding two pitchers, a sword, and a shield; the other two hands are engaged in abhaya mudra and most importantly, for holding a child on her lap. The child is seen holding a lotus.

Santana-Lakshmi Prayer Song:
Ayi, Gaja Vaahini, Moohini, Chakrini,
Raagavivardhaini, Jnanamaye
Gunagavaaridhi, Lokayithai Shini
Sapthaswara Maya Gaanamathe, Sakala
Suraasura Dheva Muneeshvara
Maanavavandhitha Paadhayuthe, Jaya Jaya He,
Madhusoodhana Kaamini Santhaanalakshmi, Paalayamaam ||
Ashta Lakshmi
There are eight forms of goddess, which symbolizes various aspects of human behaviour and fortune. Remembering them removes all obstacles from ones path and guides a human being towards well being. These forms are:
1. Aadi – (The Primeval Goddess) or Maha Lakshmi (The Great Goddess)
2. Dhana or Aishwarya (The Goddess of Prosperity and Wealth)
3. Dhaanya (Goddess of Food grains)
4. Gaja (The Elephant Goddess)
5. Santana (The Goddess of Progeny)
6. Veera/ Dhairya (The Goddess of Valor and Courage)
7. Vidya(The Goddess of Knowledge)
8. Vijaya/ Jaya (The Goddess of Victory)