In Hindu religion and mythology, Goddess Lakshmi has great importance. She has eight forms and called Ashta Lakshmi. Lakshmi,the hindu goddess of beauty, wealth and fertility has eight iconic manifestations. Know about Dhairya Lakshmi here which symbolizes perseverance and courage.
Dhairya or Veera Lakshmi
Dhairya means Courage and perseverance. This form of mother Lakshmi grants the boon of infinite courage and strength. She is Bestower of valour in battles and courage and strength for overcoming difficulties in life. If one has infinite inner courage , he is bound to be victorious.

In this form, Mother is Eight-armed carrying chakra, shankh, bow, arrow, trishul (or sword), gold bar or book , other two hands depicting abhaya mudra and varada mudra, she wears red sari. She symbolizes the brave aspect of a human being, which is sometimes required for success.
Ashta Lakshmi
There are eight forms of goddess, which symbolizes various aspects of human behaviour and fortune. Remembering them removes all obstacles from ones path and guides a human being towards well being. These forms are:
1. Aadi – (The Primeval Goddess) or Maha Lakshmi (The Great Goddess)
2. Dhana or Aishwarya (The Goddess of Prosperity and Wealth)
3. Dhaanya (Goddess of Food grains)
4. Gaja (The Elephant Goddess)
5. Santana (The Goddess of Progeny)
6. Veera/ Dhairya (The Goddess of Valor and Courage)
7. Vidya(The Goddess of Knowledge)
8. Vijaya/ Jaya (The Goddess of Victory)