
Seven reasons why you would not like to be Arjuna

I am sure you would be surprised by this but please be patient. I am going to write few facts about Arjuna which are not unknown, and then you probably will agree with me. 1. He had to share his wife with his four brothers. Imagine someone winning the hand of the most beautiful girl […]

Vidura – an incarnation of God – unknown fact from Mahabharata

Vidura – an incarnation of God (Mahabharata) Here we come again with an unknown fact from the great indian epic, Mahabharata. This is about the brother of Pandu and Dhritrashtra, who was knowledgeable and wise, the great Vidura. Few people know that Vidura, the chief minister of Dhritrashtra was an incarnation of Dharma. There is

Shikhandi – The determined

Shikhandi – The determined As we know, every character in the Mahabharata is found to be serving a purpose, for the fulfillment of bigger goal, victory of Truth over falsehood. Here we find a controversial character who ultimately became the cause of Bhishma’s downfall. But wait, we will find good reasons for that. The unknown

Karna’s Kavach and Kundal: Secrets of His Invincible Armor

Karna was born with Kavach and Kundal Kavach and Kundal are significant in terms of Indian mythology or to be specific, Mahabharata epic. These were the insurance for Karna, the tragic hero from Mahabharata, as he was impenetrable from any weapon, as long as he was wearing them. It happens that Karna was born to

Shakuni – The mastermind in mahabharata

Shakuni – in Mahabharata Shakuni’s character cannot be underestimated in the context of Mahabharata. He has been a highly intelligent person and a brave warrior. He had been a matermind to lot of plots to help Duryodhana gain upper hand on Pandavas. The most notorious and damage inflicting was the game of dice. Pandavas losing

The achilles heel in Indian and greek mythology

Indian mythology and Greek mythology – Similarities between gods and characters The achilles heel is a phrase borrowed from greek mythology which denotes an area of weakness. Achilles was a great fighter who was washed with water of river styx to become invincible. His mother, Thetis held him by his heel and dipped him into

Arjuna and Babruvahana

Babruvahana and Arjuna There is an interesting side story in Mahabharata about Babhruvahana who was even more skilled to his father, Arjuna. He succesfully stopped the Pandavas quest of performing Ashwamedha. This story may be treated as similar to Luv Kush stopping Rama from performing Ashwamedha yagya. Here is the detailed story of Babruvahana. Birth


Mahabharata – Vidura

Vidura One of the most knowledgeable characters of Mahabharata, who alongwith Chanakya, is coined as the father of politics. Vidurneeti is still referred in india in matter of Governance. It is said that God Dharma himself took birth in the form of Vidura. In the whole of Mahabharata, Vidura’s is the voice of reason and wisdom.