
Draupadi cheerharan

Draupadi – an enigma

Draupadi – An enigma Of all characters of Mahabharat, Draupadi’s character is probably the most complex and interesting, barring the Shri Krishna’s character. If I dare say, one can paint her as a positive character or a negative one, if one wants to. One can find enough of both, positive and negative indicators about her

When Vishwamitra and Vasistha used Brahmastra weapon

Brahmastra (a weapon) used by sages Here is  another story, related to Brahmastra from Indian mythology. Two great sages fought between them. Vishwamitra, who was king Kaushika, had stayed with his army at sage Vasishtha’s ashram (hermitage).  Vasishtha fed everyone and out of curiosity, Vishwamitra asked him – “How have you managed this?” Vasistha said

Barbarika surprises Sri Krishna

Barbarika and his three arrows When Shri Krishna mocked Barbari that how he is hoping to win the Mahabharat war with three arrows? (Read the story of Barbari) He responded that a single arrow was enough to destroy all his opponents in the war, and it would then return to his quiver. He further explained that,

Seven unknown facts from the Mahabharata (4)

The epic Mahabharata contains so much of teaching that it is considered to be the fifth veda. Following are some interesting unpopular stories involving mahabharata characters Draupadi, Drona, Karna, Jarasandha, Arjuna and of course, Shri Krishna.

Birth of Hiranyakashyap and Hiranyaksha and curse of Jaya and Vijaya

The curse on Jaya and Vijaya There is a curse behind the birth of Hiranyakashyap and Hiranyaksha. Jaya and Vijaya were the gatekeepers of Vishnu. Once they diasllowed sanath kumaras from meeting Vishnu. Sanath Kumaras cursed them to become mortals. Vishnu provided them some relief. Later Vishnu took four avatars to relieve them of their

Mahabharat and Sholay – A resemblance

Mahabharat and Sholay (Hindi movie) There is atleast one instance, although not significant in whole scheme of things, where Mahabharat (the epic) and Sholay (hindi movie) have similarity. I am discussing the incident when Gabbar Singh killed Salim and asked the villagers to give Jai and Veeru to them.  After a bit of discussion, a decision was taken when

Abhimanyu - Mahabharat war

Mahabharata: How Well Do You Know the Characters and Story?

Dear readers, Can you answer these questions on Mahabharata? Following are the few facts presented to you in form of questionnaire. You may reply using the comment section or comment form available at the end of the article. Hint: This blog contains the answers in various posts. 1. Three people saw Shri Krishna in his

Interesting birth stories from Indian mythology

Birth of Rama, Pandavas, Jarasandh and others Indian or hindu mythology talk about interesting stories of  births as well. We find instances where great characters came to earth in different way. One common way is that eating dessert or fruit results in birth of a child. We find this once in the period of The Ramayana and once