Sudarshan Chakra

Sudarshan Chakra chasing Durvasa

Ambarish and Durvasa – when the hunter became hunted

Lord Durvasa is known for his curses. But there were times, when he was helpless before the power of a humble of follower of Lord Vishnu. One such instance was of Ambarisha. The full story goes as: Ambarisha was a king and he was deeply into following Lord Vishnu. He and his queen used to […]

Weapon catalogue – Indian mythology (3)

Weapon catalogue from Indian mythology In this article, details of Vaishnava astra, Gandharva astra, Manava, Maheshwar, Kuber weapons are given. Name of the weapon Effect and usage Associated with Vaishnava astra destroys target completely, irrespective of target’s nature. Would Infallible. This weapon had to be obtained from Vishnu directly. Vishnu, the Preserver Gandharvastra Used by

Weapons used in the time of Mahabharata – 2

Mahabharata – Important weapons from Indian Mythology Karna’s weapons Karna had the knowledge of Brahmastra, but his teacher Parshurama has cursed him that he could not use it when he requires it most. He had kavach and kundal from Sun, which would made him invulnerable, but Indra asked those in alms. But he had given

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