
Ghatotkacha – rescuer of Pandavas (Mahabharata)

Ghatotkacha – rescuer of Pandavas A very important character in Mahabharata, because his death has ensured that a threat to Arjuna’s life was removed. A brave warrior, who fought bravely to bring Karna to use his special weapon on Ghatotkacha. Pandava’s sons, Abhimanyu and Ghatotkacha have virtually ensured that their fathers won the battle of […]

Mahabharata Katha Secrets: The Little-Known Facts Behind The Epic

In Indian mythology, we find mention of stories which are not only interesting, but also serve a message/ purpose. Mahabharata is one such epic, where we find these types of topics in abundance. Here are seven captivating stories from the epic Mahabharata. Arjuna as an eunuch In Indralok, Arjuna was propositioned by apsara Urvashi, but

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