
Important herbs – Lemon balm

Herbs of importance – Lemon Balm Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), a member of the mint family, is considered a calming herb. It was used as far back as the Middle Ages to reduce stress and anxiety, promote sleep, improve appetite, and ease pain and discomfort from indigestion (including gas and bloating, as well as colic). […]

Important herbs – Feverfew

Useful herbs – Feverfew The word “feverfew” derives from the Latin word febrifugia, meaning “fever reducer.”  This herb is one of the useful herbs. The first use of this plant is documented as early as first century. Though the plant has been used as a herbal treatment to reduce fever and to treat headaches, arthritis

Herbal plant – Great Burdock

One of the important herbs from ancient times – Great Burdock The herb Burdock’s root is a taproot of greater burdock plant, used as a vegetable and medicinal herb. The plant is a short biennial, which believed to be native to Northern Europe and Siberia. In Japan, popular as gobo, it is cultivated as a major

Important herbs – Milk thistle

Useful herbs – Milk Thistle Dioscorides, a first century Greek physician, gave milk thistlethe name Silybum marianum. Silybum relates to a number of edible thistles and marianumhonors the symbolic associations to the Virgin Mary. This is one of the important herbs which nature has provided to us. This is one of the herbs, which is

Herbal plant – Aloe Vera (Herbs)

Aloe Vera – One of the important herbs provided by nature Aloe vera is one of the most useful herbs which is helpful in various conditions. History of Aloe Vera The generations of past mention the healing methods of Aloe vera plants being handed down through the centuries by word of mouth.  We find that

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