
Duryodhana’s moment of greatness or Yudhishthir’s moment of madness

Weakness of Yudhishthira in mahabharata Probably Yudhishthira had a tendency to blow it all when he was very close to achieving. He first blew it for Pandavas when he agreed to play the dice, A game which he did not know how to play. Again, there was a moment on eighteenth day of Mahabharata war,

Mahabharata: The Wrath of the Kuru Clan and a story of Revenges

“Revenge is a dish best served cold”  How true this line is in context of Mahabharata. It is believed that Mahabharata is a symbol of victory of truth over lies, but here are few incidents related to revenge. Based on these we can say that this epic from Indian mythology contains lots of hatred as

Seven great warriors and how they died in Mahabharata – in pictures

Death of various great warriors in Mahabharata war   Mahabharata was was fought over for eighteen days. The major part saw the prowess of Bhishma. He was on the verge of decimating pandavas army single-handedly, before Shikhandi came to the rescue of Pandavas. Following is a brief on how the great warriors were neutralized and

The Seven Individuals Behind Karna’s Death in the Mahabharat Katha

People behind death of Danveer Karna Following seven incidents were the reason for demise of Karna. Though we remember him as Danveer Karna, but if we see the following incidents, we would realize that perhaps this was the reason of his not getting his due in Indian history. 1. Parshurama’s curse – Parshurama has cursed him so

The Ramayana Epic: 51 Surprising Facts and Trivia

The Ramayana is an amazing Indian story that’s been told for thousands of years! It’s all about Lord Rama, but it also tells the stories of many other important people. There’s Lakshmana, Rama’s loyal brother, Bharata, another brother who stayed true to Rama, and Hanuman, the amazing monkey god who helped Rama rescue his wife

Seven unknown facts from the Mahabharata (4)

The epic Mahabharata contains so much of teaching that it is considered to be the fifth veda. Following are some interesting unpopular stories involving mahabharata characters Draupadi, Drona, Karna, Jarasandha, Arjuna and of course, Shri Krishna.

Story of The Ramayana in Pictures – Bal Kand

In Indian mythology, there are two major epics. The Ramayana, and the Mahabharat. In Treta yuga, the story of Rama and his wife Sita, is the main story around which the Ramayana is written. This epic was written by Sage Valmiki, who himself was a robber, but later mended his ways to become a sage.

The Hidden Romances of the Mahabharata

Mahabharat is full of love stories. It was not only about battle between good and evil.  Mahabharat was lot more than this. We find examples of revenges as well. But you might get surprised seeing the incidents of love. Yes, you heard me right. There are numerous incidents of love as in the great epic of Mahabharat .

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