Indian Mythology

श्री कृष्ण और गोवर्धन पर्वत

देवराज इंद्र ब्रज के लोगों से बहुत क्रोधित हुए क्योंकि लोग भगवान कृष्ण की बातों को सुनकर गोवर्धन पर्वत की पूजा कर रहे थे और इंद्र देव की पूजा नहीं कर रहे थे। देवराज इंद्र ने क्रोधित होकर उन्हें दंडित करने के लिए घनघोर वर्षा करने के लिए बादलों को भेजा जिसके कारण पूरे वृंदावन में बाढ़ […]

Akshaya Tritiya

Akshaya Tritiya is a very important festival for both Hindu and Jain. This is also known as Ati or Akha Teej. The day is auspicious for new venture, marriage, investment in gold or property or any new beginning.

Lord Hanuman – Balaji – Manokamna Mandir – Kaushambi – Ghaziabad

There is an important temple of Lord Balaji (Lord Hanuman) in Kaushambi, Ghaziabad. This temple was established in 1981 and currently attracts lot of Bhaktas here. This temple is dedicated to Lord Hanumana, but houses other Devi Devtas as well. Lord Vishnu, Devi Lakshmi, Rama and Lakshman, Lord Shiva, Navgrah and Sai Baba, all are

Hanuman Jee photos

Some of the great pictures of Lord Hanumana. Hope you will like them!

The Navratri Quiz

Welcome to the Navratri Quiz. Do you know Rama offered his eye to Devi Durga. One form of Durga rides a donkey. There is more. If you know the answers, you can submit this through comments section. Happy Quizzing! Devi herself has manifested herself before Rama and Lakhshman and said that she was happy with

Boons in Indian mythology

Boons are integral part of Indian Mythology. Lord Brahma is associated with some of the famous boons. Here are some of the famous boons are detailed. I am sure you will enjoy some of the known and unknown boons.

Navgrah Vatika

In Hindu mythology, all the God and Goddesses are associated with some trees, shrubs and creepers. Similarly, all nine planets are believed to control the destiny of a person are associated with trees, bushes and grass.  Navgrah Vatika is a garden of nine trees, bushes and grasses which represents planets. These trees are planted in a particular direction to get the benefits of nine planets or grahs hence it is called Navgrah Vatika.

श्री कृष्ण – जांबवती

श्री कृष्ण – जांबवती बहुत पहले द्वारका पुरी में भोजवंशी राजा सत्राजित रहता था। सूर्य की भक्ति-आराधना के बल पर उसने स्वमंतक नाम की अत्यंत चमकदार मणि प्राप्त की। मणि की क्रांति से राजा स्वयं सूर्य जैसा प्रभा-मंडित हो जाता था। इस भ्रम में जब यादवों ने श्रीकृष्ण से भगवान सूर्य के आगमन की बात

Lord Ganesha stories

On the eve of Ganesha Chaturthi, here are some of the interesting stories about Lord Ganesha. How he became Ekdant Brahmavart Puran states that  when Parshuram went to Kailash Mountain to meet Shiva, he was meditating. Lord Ganesha did not allow Parshuram to meet Shiva. Parshuram got angry and attacked Ganesha. The weapon he used

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