Indian Mythology


Goddess Alakshmi ( A unheard deity)

We all know about the Goddess Lakshmi, but few of us know about Alakshmi, who is equally and important Goddess, but unpopular for other reasons. Alakshmi is elder sister of goddess Lakshmi.  She is Goddess of misfortne, bad luck, durbhagya, inauspiciousness. She represents every thing opposite to Goddess Lakshmi. Another name for Alakshmi is Nirriti. […]

Vidya lakshmi – Ashta Lakshmi

In Hindu religion and mythology, Goddess Lakshmi has great importance. She has eight forms and called Ashta Lakshmi. Lakshmi,the hindu goddess of beauty, wealth and fertility has eight iconic manifestations. Know about Vidya Lakshmi here who symbolizes knowledge. Vidya Lakshmi Vidya means knowledge as well as education, not just degrees or diplomas from the university, but

Santana lakshmi – Ashta Lakshmi

In Hindu religion and mythology, Goddess Lakshmi has great importance. She has eight forms and called Ashta Lakshmi. She, the hindu goddess of beauty, wealth and fertility has eight iconic manifestations. Know about Sanatana Lakshmi here. Santana Lakshmi Her name she is bestower offsprings. One who worships Santana Lakshmi are bestowed with the wealth of good children possessing

Dhairya lakshmi / Veera lakshmi – Ashta Lakshmi

In Hindu religion and mythology, Goddess Lakshmi has great importance. She has eight forms and called Ashta Lakshmi. Lakshmi,the hindu goddess of beauty, wealth and fertility has eight iconic manifestations. Know about Dhairya Lakshmi here which symbolizes perseverance and courage. Dhairya or Veera Lakshmi Dhairya means Courage and perseverance. This form of mother Lakshmi grants the boon

Gaja Lakshmi – A form of Ashta Lakshmi

In Hindu religion and mythology, Goddess Lakshmi has great importance. She has eight forms and called Ashta Lakshmi. Lakshmi,the hindu goddess of beauty, wealth and fertility has eight iconic manifestations. Know about Gaja Lakshmi here which symbolizes prosperity. Gaja Lakshmi Gaja Lakshmi or Elephant Lakshmi is the giver of power and royal splendor.  It is believed

Vijaya lakshmi – A form of Ashta Lakshmi

In Hindu religion and mythology, Goddess Lakshmi has great importance. She has eight forms and called Ashta Lakshmi. Lakshmi,the hindu goddess of beauty, wealth and fertility has eight iconic manifestations. Know about Vijaya Lakshmi here which symbolizes victory. Vijaya lakshmi Vijaya means victory. This form of goddess is  provider of victory, not only in battles but also

Dhanya Lakshmi : Eight forms of Lakshmi (Ashta lakshmi)

In Hindu religion and mythology, Goddess Lakshmi has great importance. She has eight forms and called Ashta Lakshmi. Details about Dhanya Lakshmi is here. Dhanya Lakshmi As Goddess Lakshmi has eight forms to preside over eight types of wealth. Dhanya Lakshmi is an important aspect of this wealth. It is said that, in this form, She

Dhana Lakshmi or Aishwarya Lakshmi – Ashta Lakshmi

In Hindu religion and mythology, Goddess Lakshmi has great importance. She has eight forms and called Ashta Lakshmi. Lakshmi,the hindu goddess of beauty, wealth and fertility has eight iconic manifestations. Know about Dhana Lakshmi here who symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Dhana Lakshmi This form of the goddess is one who showers wealth. In this form the Mother is

Seven Unknown facts about religious rituals

Unknown, untold facts about religious rituals There are many things which we do without questioning, why? Because we have seen others doing it. This becomes a practice or rather a rule.  Probably, we are scared that if  these things are not performed as it is always done we may face something wrong or we do not care

Mallikarjun Jyotirlinga – Lord Shiva’s temple

The Jyotirlinga of Mallikarjun : Lord Shiva Temple at Srisailam Mallikarjun at Srisailam is one among the twelve Jyotirlinga, situated at Srisailam in Andhra Pradesh.  Mallikarjuna is an ancient temple of Lord Shiva that is architecturally and sculpturally rich. Story behind Mallikarjun Temple Once, Shiva and Parvati decided to find suitable brides for their sons, Ganesha and

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