Maa Chandraghanta

The third manifestation of goddess Durga is Devi Chandraghanta and on the third day of the Navratri goddess Chandraghanta is worshipped by the devotees.

Maa Chandraghanta rides on Tiger, who is endowed with intense anger and violence and is known by this name because bell shaped mark of moon is present on her forehead. She has ten hands which hold weapons like trident, chakra, bow and arrow, paash, sword etc. Goddess Chandraghanta is the married form of Goddess Parvati. After getting married to Lord Shiva, Parvati started adorning her forehead with half Chandra (half moon).

The third day of Navratri is considered to be the most important day of nine divine days and nights. Worshipping goddess Chandraghanta on this day eradicate all the problems and troubles of life.

She is the image of bravery. The frightful sound of her bell terrifies all villains and demonic incarnations. She is also the giver of supreme knowledge and bliss and is depicted as having golden skin with the half circular moon on her forehead, glowing. She is worshipped in this form in Kanchipuram (Tamil Nadu) India.Srisailam Devasthanam also is a temple of Ma Chandraghanta.A very popular legend associated with Maa Chandraghanta is the story of Raja Harischandra as her devotee.

Maa Chandraghanta

Maa Chandraghanta

The complexion possessed by Maa Chandraghanta is golden. She possesses ten arms which wield weapons and missiles like the sword, the bow, the mace, the arrows and the like. During the battle between the gods and the demons, the horrible sound produced by her ghantaa had sent thousands of wicked demons to the abode of the Death-god. She is ever in a warring posture which shows her eagerness to destroy the foes of her devotees so that her devotees may ever live in peace and prosperity. Divine vision is acquired by her grace. If a devotee happens to enjoy divine fragrance and hears diverse sounds, he is said to be blessed by the Mother.

Maa Chandraghanta should be adores and worshipped with great purity in mind and heart observing all the rites properly. Having acquired her grace, we get rid of all worldly turmoil and enjoy Supreme bliss. Devotees should always have her gentle form in their minds while meditating on her.

Nine days of Navratri festival

Navratri is a prominent festival of India. This is a ten days longer festival, tenth day is the culmination and is also called as Vijayadashmi. Mythologically, this day is the day when Lord Rama defeated and killed Ravana to free Sita from his clutches. In nine days of Navratri, various forms of Maa Durga are worshipped.

Names of Devi Durga for Nine Days

Navratri is a nine day celebration, in which goddess Durga is worshipped in nine different forms. Every day she assumes a new character, a new look and a new deity. The 9 days of Navratri with 9 goddesses is in the following order – Day 1 is Shailputri, Day 2 is Brahmcharini, Day 3 is Chandraghanta, Day 4 is Kushmanda, Day 5 is Skandamata, Day 6 is Katyayani, Day 7 is Kaalratri, Day 8 is Mahagauri, and Day 9 is Siddhidatri.

Navratri Colors

Navratri is a nine-day long festival celebrated with great zeal and enthusiasm in India. Each day of Navratri is dedicated to a different form of the Hindu goddess Durga. To honor and celebrate the different forms of the goddess, each day of Navratri is associated with a specific color. The colors of Navratri are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pink, purple, grey, and white, and they represent different qualities and virtues that the goddess embodies. For example, red represents courage, while green represents growth and prosperity. People often dress up in these colors and decorate their homes with them during the festival. The Navratri colors add to the vibrancy and beauty of this auspicious occasion.

Nine forms of Durga – Navratri

First Day – Shailputri

On first day Goddess is worshipped as, Shailputri . She is considered the daughter of the Himalayas. She is a form of Shakti, the consort of Lord Shiva.

Shailputri Devi – worshipped on first day of Navratri.

Second Day – Brahmacharini

Her name is derivative of the word ‘Brahma’, which means ‘Tapa’ or penance. In her right hand she holds a rosary, while Kamandal in her left hand. She is also a form of Uma or Parvati, a form of Mata Shakti.

Third Day – Chandraghanta

On the third day the Goddess is worshipped as, Chandraghanta. She is the symbolic representation of beauty and bravery. She has a half-circular moon in her forehead, hence the name ‘Chandraghanta’. With three eyes, she is golden in color. Ten types of weapons, including sword and arrows are held by her ten hands. Seated on a lion, she is always ready to go to war.

Maa Durga

Fourth Day – Kushmanda

On fourth day Goddess is worshipped as, Kushmanda. It is believed that Kushmanda is the creator of the entire universe and she has created the entire universe by her laugh. She has eight hands in seven hands she hold weapons and in the eight one she bears a string of beads. With rosary in her right hand, she sits on Lion.

Fifth Day – Skand Mata

On the fifth day, Goddess is worshipped as, Skand Mata. She is actually called so because she is here represented as the mother of Skanda, the chief warrior of the Gods army. Skanda Mata – is white in color, has three eyes and four hand. She is seated on a lion, with her son (Skanda), on her lap.

Sixth Day – Katyanani

On the sixth day, the goddess is worshipped as, Katyayani. Seated on her vehicle lion, Katyayani has three eyes and four hands.

Seventh Day – Kalratri

On the seventh day, the Goddess is worshipped as, Kalratri. As the name suggests, Kalrati is as black as a dark night. She has four hands, she is meant to make the devotees fearless thus also known as shubhamkari. She has four hands, with a sharp sword in her left hand and a burning torch in her lower left hand, her lower and upper right hand that shows blessings.

Eighth Day – Maha Gauri

On the eight day, the Mata Rani is worshipped as, Maha Gauri. She is considered to extremely beautiful, white like snow and accessorized with white colored ornaments. She represents calmness and exhibits wisdom. With three eyes and four hands, she rides on a bull. Her left hand shows the fearless Mudra, while her lower left hand holds a Trishul. Calm and peaceful Maha Gauri observed penance

Ninth Day – Siddhidatri

On the ninth day,Goddess Durga is worshipped as, Siddhidatri. It is believed she consists of all the eight siddhis. She rides on lotus and is worshipped by all the Rishis-Munis, Siddhas, Sadhakas and Yogis. It is believed that worshipping her is best for attaining religious asset.