Important facts about Holika Dahan


Holika Dahan is a Hindu festival that marks the victory of good over evil. It is celebrated on the night before the festival of Holi, which is also known as the “Festival of Colors.” The festival is celebrated in India and Nepal, usually in March. This festival is also symbolic of leaving all the worries behind and look forward to a new beginning.

Holika Dahan preparation in Patna

Holika was a sister of Hiranyakashyap

The name “Holika Dahan” is derived from the burning of an effigy of the demoness Holika. According to Hindu mythology, Holika was the sister of the demon king Hiranyakashyap, who tried to kill his own son Prahlad, an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu, by making him sit on a pyre with Holika, who was immune to fire. However, due to Prahlad’s devotion, Lord Vishnu protected him, and Holika was burned to death while Prahlad survived unharmed. The burning of Holika’s effigy symbolizes the victory of good over evil.

The festival is celebrated by lighting a bonfire in a public place, usually in a temple or community center. People gather around the bonfire, perform prayers and rituals, and offer food and other items as a sacrifice to the fire. The burning of the effigy of Holika is also accompanied by singing and dancing.

Holika Dahan is also considered as a symbol of the end of winter and the arrival of spring. It is believed that the bonfire purifies the air and removes negative energy, bringing good health and prosperity. It is also a time for forgiveness and forgetting past grievances, as people embrace each other and exchange sweets and greetings.

In conclusion, Holika Dahan is a Hindu festival that marks the victory of good over evil. It is celebrated by lighting a bonfire, performing prayers and rituals, and offering food and other items as a sacrifice to the fire. The festival is celebrated on the night before the festival of Holi, which is also known as the “Festival of Colors.” It is also believed to symbolize the end of winter and the arrival of spring. It is a time for forgiveness and forgetting past grievances, as people embrace each other and exchange sweets and greetings.

Essay on Holi


Holi is a festival of colors, joy, and love celebrated by Hindus all over the world, typically in late February or early March. The festival marks the arrival of spring and the victory of good over evil. It is a time of forgiveness, forgetting past grudges, and coming together with friends and family to celebrate.

On the night before Holi, bonfires are lit to symbolize the burning of the demoness Holika. She tried to kill Prahlad, a devotee of Lord Vishnu. This act of burning evil is a reminder to let go of negative thoughts and emotions, and to start the new season with a clean slate.

The next day, people take to the streets to play with colored powder and water, smearing each other’s faces and wishing each other a happy Holi. The colors used in Holi symbolize the joy and beauty of life, and the coming of spring. The act of smearing color on each other is a symbol of unity and the breaking down of social barriers.

The legend of Holika and Prahalad

Holi is also a time of indulgence, with traditional sweets and drinks being shared among friends and family. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm, especially in North India, with people singing and dancing to traditional songs.

Apart from the religious significance, Holi is also a celebration of love and relationships. On this day, people visit their friends and family and exchange sweets, flowers and other gifts. People also use this day to forgive and forget past grudges and make amends with estranged loved ones.

In recent years, Holi has become a popular festival among people of all religions and backgrounds. Many non-Hindus also participate in the colorful celebrations, making it a truly inclusive and multicultural event.

In conclusion, Holi is a festival that brings people together, promotes love, and spreads joy and positivity. It is a celebration of the victory of good over evil, the arrival of spring, and the importance of relationships and forgiveness. It is a reminder to let go of negative thoughts and emotions, and to start anew. Holi is truly a festival that unites people of all backgrounds, cultures and religions in the spirit of love and celebration.

Ten Unknown facts about Lord Balaji at Tirupati


Lord Balaji, also known as Sri Venkateswara, is a form of the Hindu god Vishnu and is the main deity of the Tirupati Balaji Temple in Andhra Pradesh, India. Here are ten lesser-known facts about Lord Balaji:

The temple at Tirupati is considered one of the most ancient and sacred in India and is visited by millions of devotees every year. Tirupati is one of the most visited pilgrimage centre in India, famous for its landmark temples, mostly dedicated to the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. The destination holds several legendary tales to tell, that fascinates tourists from across the world.

Lord Balaji is also known as “Kaliyuga Vaikuntham” and “Srinivasa”. It is said that Lord Balaji appeared because of Lord Bhrigu Lord Vishnu came to earth. Because Sage Bhrigu hit him on his chest and Vishnu did not react, Lakshmi left vaikunth in protest. To find her, Lord Vishnu arrived at Tirupati and started living under an anthill.

Sage Bhrigu angry with Lord Vishnu

The temple at Tirupati is known for its “laddu prasadam,” a sweet made of flour, ghee, and sugar that is distributed to devotees.
The temple is said to have been built by the Pallavas in the 9th century AD and later expanded by the Cholas and Vijayanagara kings.

Lord Balaji is considered an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, who took on this form to alleviate the sufferings of humanity in the Kali Yuga.
It is believed that the temple has the power to fulfill all the wishes of the devotees.

The temple is also known for its “Srivari Hundi” which is a donation box where devotees drop their offerings. It is said that the hundi never remains empty and is always full of offerings.

Lord Balaji is also known as “Ek Anantha Sayana” which means Lord who sleeps on the serpent Anantha. It is also believed that Lord Balaji appeared in the form of a hill, Venkatachala, in order to marry Padmavathi, an incarnation of the goddess Lakshmi.

होली पर हिन्दी निबंध – Essay on Holi in Hindi


होली हिंदुओं के एक प्रमुख त्योहार के रूम में जाना जाता है। होली सिर्फ हिन्दुओं ही नहीं बल्कि सभी समुदाय के लोगों द्वारा उल्लास के साथ मनाया जाता है। फाल्गुन मास की पूर्णिमा को यह त्योहार मनाया जाता है। होली जिसे “रंगो के त्योहार” के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, भारत के सबसे बड़े त्योहारों में से एक है।

भारत में होली का उत्सव अलग-अलग प्रदेशों में अलग अलग तरीके से मनाया जाता है। आज भी ब्रज की होली सारे देश के आकर्षण का बिंदु होती है। लठमार होली जो कि  बरसाने की है वो भी काफ़ी प्रसिद्ध है। इसमें पुरुष महिलाओं पर रंग डालते हैं और महिलाएँ पुरुषों को लाठियों तथा कपड़े के बनाए गए कोड़ों से मारती हैं। इसी तरह मथुरा और वृंदावन में भी १५ दिनों तक होली का पर्व मनाते हैं। कुमाऊँ की गीत बैठकी होती है जिसमें शास्त्रीय संगीत की गोष्ठियाँ होती हैं। होली के कई दिनों पहले यह सब शुरू हो जाता है।

ब्रज की लठमार होली

होली का त्यौहार मनाने के पीछे एक प्राचीन इतिहास है। प्राचीन समय में हिरण्यकश्यप नाम के एक असुर हुआ करता था। उसकी एक दुष्ट बहन थी जिसका नाम होलिका था। हिरण्यकश्यप स्वयं को भगवान मानता था। हिरण्यकश्यप के एक पुत्र थे जिसका नाम प्रह्लाद था। वे भगवान विष्णु के बहुत बड़े भक्त थे। हिरण्यकश्यप भगवान विष्णु के विरोधी था। उन्होंने प्रह्लाद को विष्णु की भक्ति करने से बहुत रोका। लेकिन प्रह्लाद ने उनकी एक भी बात नहीं सुनी। इससे नाराज़ होकर हिरण्यकश्यप ने प्रह्लाद को जान से मारने का प्रयास किया। इसके लिए हिरण्यकश्यप ने अपनी बहन होलिका से मदद मांगी। होलिका को आग में न जलने का वरदान प्राप्त था । उसके बाद होलिका प्रह्लाद को लेकर चिता में बैठ गई परन्तु विष्णु की कृपा से प्रह्लाद सुरक्षित रहे और होलिका जल कर भस्म हो गई

आज भी पूर्णिमा को होली जलाते हैं, और अगले दिन सब लोग एक दूसरे पर गुलाल, अबीर और तरह-तरह के रंग डालते हैं। यह त्योहार रंगों का त्योहार है।

होली के त्योहार को लेकर बच्चों में विशेष उत्साह होता है। वे होलिका दहन के लिए काफी पहले से लकड़ियाँ जुटाने लगते हैं। गाँवों में तो लकड़ियाँ आसानी से मिल जाती हैं पर शहरों के बच्चे घरों के खराब खराब फर्नीचर की तलाश करते हैं और अपने घर के अलावा दूसरों से भी माँगकर व्यवस्था करते हैं। होलिका तैयार करने में सभी लकड़ियों का योगदान करते हैं। महिलाएँ घरों में होली के पर्व के लिए घर पर मिलने आने वाले लोगों के लिए मिठाइयाँ, नमकीन और गुझिया बनाने में जुट जाती हैं। रंग और गुलाल का स्टॉक तैयार किया जाता है। फाल्गुन मास की पूर्णमासी को होलिका दहन के साथ त्योहार की शुरुआत होती है और अगले दिन होली का रंग-बिरंगा त्योहार मनाया जाता है। लोग एक-दूसरे के घर जाकर रंग-गुलाल लगाकर होली की शुभकामनाएँ देते हैं। शहरी संस्कृति ने होली मिलन कार्यक्रमों को जन्म दिया है जिसमें राजनैतिक दल, संस्थाएँ होली मिलन कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन करती हैं।

होली हमारे समाज मे एकता, शांति, प्रेम और खुशी का संदेश देती है। यह आपस मे भाईचारे को बढावा देती है। अनेक प्रकार और अनेक धर्मो के लोग एक साथ एक दूसरे को रंग लग के इस देश की अखण्डता और एकता का संदेश देते है। होली संदेश है की हम एक थे, हम एक हैं और हम एक रहेंगे।

Ramayana – The legend of prince Rama


Who wrote Ramayana

Ramayana was first written by great sage Valmiki. There is an interesting story behind this. Valmiki was earlier a robber known as Angulimaal. After meeting Sage Narada, he became a sage known Valmiki. He wrote this great epic. Later, many great poets have penned this great epic, Tulsidas, Kamban are few of them.

When was Ramayana written?

Valmiki wrote The Ramayana around 7000 years ago. The language of this epic is Sanskrit. It has about 24 thousand shlokas. The entire epic of Ramayana consists of about 480,002 words.

Ramayana katha or Ramayana story

Ramayana story revolves around its main character, Lord Rama. He is seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Ramayana story is often told in seven chapters, this chapters are namely Bal Kand, Ayodhya Kand, Aranya Kanda, Kishkindha Kand, Sunder Kanda, Yuddha Kanda and Uttar Kanda.

Rama born to King Dashratha, he was eldest among the four sons. His brothers were Lakhsman, Bharat and Shatrughana. Sage Vasistha taught all the four brothers. Lord Rama and his brothers shown lot of talent in their formative years and they helped Sage Vasistha later on.

Marriage of Lord Rama and his brothers

Raja Janak organized a swayamvara to find a suitable groom for his daughter Sita. He put forth a difficult condition. Rama easily satisfied this condition and married Devi Sita. His brothers also found their respective life partners as a result of swayamvara.

Exile of Rama

As luck would have it, Rama left Ayodha and went to forest with his wife Sita and brother Lakshman. Due to a boon to Kaikeyi by Dashratha, this incident happened.

Adduction of Sita

While in forest, Ravana, the demon king abducted Sita. Rama found his wife with help of Sugriva and Lord Hanuma, an ardent devotee of Lord. Hanumana searched Sita by going to Lanka and in the process, he destroyed Lanka.

Abduction of Sita in movie Ramayana: The Legend of Prince Rama

Killing of Ravana

Finally, Rama kills Ravana with help of Sugriva’s monkey Army and gets back his wife Sita. This is the story of Ramayana, The Legend of Prince Rama.

The movie Ramayana – The legend to Prince Rama

Note: A movie with the same name Ramayana, The Legend of Prince Rama, made in 1992 and available for download at various sites.

A popular article related to Ramayana Katha

Do not miss this. This is one of the most popular article on The Ramayana.

Durga Saptashati mantras


Maa Durga

Durga is omnipresent as the embodiment of power, intelligence, peace, wealth, morality etc.

Devi Mantras or shloka are known as Siddhi Mantra (the one with perfection). Each and every mantra is full of energy and power of Devi. Mantras of Devi, when chanted with genuine devotion, give positive results. These mantras ward off all troubles & blesses with success. All mantras are disclosed by the Almighty, through the Intelligence, experience of the divinely illuminated sages.

Chaya rupena sansthita – Maa Durga Shlokaus

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु छायारूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः 

Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Chaayaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||

To the Divine Goddess who resides in all existence in the form of energy.

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु मातृ-रूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

जो देवी सभी प्राणियों में माता के रूप में स्थित हैं, उनको नमस्कार, नमस्कार, बारंबार नमस्कार है।

Shakti Rupena Sansthita

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु शक्तिरूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ।।

जो देवी सब प्राणियों में शक्ति रूप में स्थित हैं, उनको नमस्कार, नमस्कार, बारंबार नमस्कार है।

Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Shakti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||

Lakshmi rupena sansthita

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु लक्ष्मीरूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Lakssmii-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||

Buddhi rupena sansthita

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु बुद्धिरूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

जो देवी सभी प्राणियों में बुद्धि के रूप में स्थित हैं, उनको नमस्कार, नमस्कार, बारंबार नमस्कार है। आपको मेरा बार-बार प्रणाम है।

Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Buddhi-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||

Kanti rupena sansthita

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु कान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Kaanti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||

Shraddha rupena sansthita

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु श्रद्धारूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Shraddhaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||

Kshanti rupena sansthita

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु क्षान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Kssaanti-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||

जो देवी सब प्राणियों में सहनशीलता, क्षमा के रूप में स्थित हैं, उनको नमस्कार, नमस्कार, बारंबार नमस्कार है।

Daya rupena sansthita

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु दयारूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः
Yaa Devii Sarva-Bhutessu Dayaa-Ruupenna Samsthitaa |
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namah ||

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु विद्या-रूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

जो देवी सब प्राणियों में विद्या के रूप में विराजमान हैं, उनको नमस्कार, नमस्कार, बारंबार नमस्कार है। मैं आपको बारंबार प्रणाम करता हूँ।

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु स्मृति-रूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

जो देवी सभी प्राणियों में  स्मृति (स्मरणशक्ति) रूप से स्थित हैं, उनको नमस्कार, नमस्कार, बारंबार नमस्कार है।

Vijaya Dashmi Mantra

माँ चंद्रघंटा


माँ दुर्गा की 9 शक्तियों की तीसरी स्वरूपा भगवती चंद्रघंटा की पूजा नवरात्र के तीसरे दिन की जाती है. माता के माथे पर घंटे आकार का अर्धचन्द्र है, जिस कारण इन्हें चन्द्रघंटा कहा जाता है. इनका रूप परम शांतिदायक और कल्याणकारी है. माता का शरीर स्वर्ण के समान उज्जवल है. इनका वाहन सिंह है और इनके दस हाथ हैं जो की विभिन्न प्रकार के अस्त्र-शस्त्र से सुशोभित रहते हैं. सिंह पर सवार मां चंद्रघंटा का रूप युद्ध के लिए उद्धत दिखता है और उनके घंटे की प्रचंड ध्वनि से असुर और राक्षस भयभीत करते हैं. भगवती चंद्रघंटा की उपासना करने से उपासक आध्यात्मिक और आत्मिक शक्ति प्राप्त करता है और जो श्रद्धालु इस दिन श्रद्धा एवं भक्ति पूर्वक दुर्गा सप्तसती का पाठ करता है, वह संसार में यश, कीर्ति एवं सम्मान को प्राप्त करता है.

Chandraghanta – Navaratri – third form of Durga

माँ का स्वरूप अत्यंत सौम्यता एवं शांति से परिपूर्ण रहता है। इनकी आराधना से वीरता-निर्भयता के साथ ही सौम्यता एवं विनम्रता का विकास होकर मुख, नेत्र तथा संपूर्ण काया में कांति-गुण की वृद्धि होती है। स्वर में दिव्य, अलौकिक माधुर्य का समावेश हो जाता है। माँ चंद्रघंटा के भक्त और उपासक जहाँ भी जाते हैं लोग उन्हें देखकर शांति और सुख का अनुभव करते हैं।

माँ के आराधक के शरीर से दिव्य प्रकाशयुक्त परमाणुओं का अदृश्य विकिरण होता रहता है। यह दिव्य क्रिया साधारण चक्षुओं से दिखाई नहीं देती, किन्तु साधक और उसके संपर्क में आने वाले लोग इस बात का अनुभव भली-भाँति करते रहते हैं।


Maa Chandraghanta story in english

Eight Powerful Mantras of Maa Durga


As per Hindu scriptures, Goddess Durga or Shakti is the the most powerful deity. She is Mother of Universe. Durga is the manifestation of mother Parvati when evil forces threatened the very existence of Gods. In Sanskrit, Durga means a place which is difficult to win. She got the name because of her protective and combative nature. She is the protector of what is good and harmony. It is  believed that she originated to kill the demon Mahishasura hence also known as Mahishasurmardini. Maa Durga also slayed the demons Shumbha and Nishumbha.

The Killing of Mahishasura

Maa Durga appearance

Maa Durga is depicted as  8 or 10 hands which represents 8 quadrant or 10 directions . Thus, it is believed that she protects her devotee from all the directions. She also holds different weapons in different hand like Sudarshan chakra, Sword, Trident, Bow and Arrows, Thunderbolt and Mace. She also holds Conch and Lotus in other two hands and one hand is in Abhaya Mudra.

Her Vehicle

She rides on a lion. Lion represents power, will and determination. Durga riding on a lion symbolises she possesses unlimited powers and uses it to protect virtue and destroy evil. The lion is also believed to represent the primal instincts of the Goddess, which she uses to protect her devotees and defeat evil forces. Goddess Durga rode a lion during her battle with the demon Mahishasura, who had the form of a buffalo. The lion helped her in her battle against the demon, and she was able to defeat him and restore peace and order to the world


She is also known as Triyambake as she has 3 eyes. Her left eye represents Desire-Moon, right eye represents Action- Sun and her central eye represents Knowledge or Fire.


Maa Durga protects from all evils and negativity. Navratri is the most auspicious time to please Goddesses. During Navratri nine forms of Durga is worshipped for nine days to get her unlimited blessings. To please Goddess Durga several mantras are chanted throughout the year specially during Navratri. It is believed that chanting Durga mantra has power to transform our lives and give us more shakti.

Devi Mantra Book


There are several mantras to please Goddess Durga but the most simple and easy is “OM SRI DURGAYA NAMAH’’ It is believed that chanting this mantra regularly will remove physical, mental and worldly problems in life and will shower us with her unlimited blessing.
Devi mantras are also known as Siddhi mantra. Each and every mantra is full of energy and power. It is believed that when mantras are chanted with devotion it gives positive results . It helps to remove all the trouble and bless with success.

Most powerful Mantra

सर्वमङ्गलमाङ्गल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते

Sarva Mangala Mangalye Sive Sarvartha Sadhike
Saranye Trayambike Gauri Narayani Namostute


We bow to you O Devi Narayani. You are the the auspicious for everyone, you bring happiness . You are the one who completes every work for everyone. You are protector of everyone. You are the one with 3 eyes and a beautiful face. We salute you, O Narayani. She is the most auspicious one and the one who bestows auspiciousness upon all the worlds. She is pure and holy. Maa protects those who surrender to her and is also called the three eyed one and Gauri (daughter of mountain king). I bow down to Mother Durga who is the sister of Maha Vishnu.

Benefits of this Mantra

This mantra is believed to bring good fortune, prosperity, and happiness to those who chant it. It is dedicated to the Goddess Durga and praises her as the source of all that is auspicious and holy. The mantra is also believed to provide protection from negative energies and bring peace and harmony to one’s life. Chanting the Sarv Mangal Mangalye mantra regularly is said to enhance one’s spiritual growth and connect them with the divine energy of the universe. This mantra is recited almost during all celebrations, rituals and events. Regular chanting can give wisdom and strength combined with a prosperous life.

2. Devi Stuti

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु क्षान्तिरूपेण संस्थिता

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु मातृरूपेण संस्थिता

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

या देवी सर्वभुतेषु बुद्धिरूपेण संस्थिता

नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः

Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, shanti rupena sangsthita

Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, shakti rupena sangsthita

Ya devi sarva bhuteshu, matri rupena sangsthita

Yaa devi sarva bhuteshu, buddhi rupena sangsthita

Namastasyai, namastasyai, namastasyai, namo namaha

Meaning of above Mantra

The goddess who is omnipresent as the personification of universal mother

The goddess who is omnipresent as the embodiment of the power

The goddess who is omnipresent as the symbol of peace

Oh, Goddess (Devi) who resides everywhere in all living beings as intelligence and beauty

I bow to her, I bow to her, I bow to her again & again


It helps to build inner power and allows the devotee to develop healthy, loving relationships. Chanting of this Mantra blocks negative thoughts and banish ignorance.

3.Maa Durga Dhyaan Mantra

ॐ जटा जूट समायुक्तमर्धेंन्दु कृत लक्षणाम |

लोचनत्रय संयुक्तां पद्मेन्दुसद्यशाननाम ||

Om jataa jut samaayuktamardhendu krit lakshnam|

Lochanyatra sanyuktam padmendu sadya shan naam ||

Benefits of Dhyaan mantra

This mantra is chanted before chanting any other Durga Mantras. It is important for all specially for children . As it helps in focus and maintaining one’s concentration in all field.  

4. Maa durga Shatru Shanti Mantra

रिपव: संक्षयम् यान्ति कल्याणम चोपपद्यते |

नन्दते च कुलम पुंसाम माहात्म्यम मम श्रृणुयान्मम ||

Ripavah sankshayam yaanti kalyaanam chop padyate |

Nandate cha kulam punsaam maahaatmyam mam srinu yaanmam ||

Benefit of Shatru Shanti Mantra

This powerful mantra provide protection against all negativeness, enemies and adversaries. Regular chanting of mantra has power to destroy enemies. It also brings prosperity, bliss and peace in one’s life.

5. Maa Durga Sarva Badha Mukti Mantra

सर्वाबाधाविनिर्मुक्तो धन धान्य सुतान्वित: |

मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन भविष्यती न संशय: ||

Sarvaa baadhaa vinirmukto dhan dhaanya sutaanvitah|

Manushyo matprasaaden bhavishyati na sanshayah||

Benefit of Sarva badha mukti mantra

This powerful mantras has power to remove all kind of obstacles problems and misery in one’s life. It is also believed chanting this powerful mantra  rings wealth and prosperity.

6. Maa Durga Duh Swapna Nivaran Mantra

शान्तिकर्मणि सर्वत्र तथा दु:स्वप्नदर्शने |

ग्रहपीडासु चोग्रासु माहात्म्यं श्रृणुयान्मम ||

Shanti karmani sarvatra tatha duh swapna darshane|

Grah pidaasu chograsu maahaatmyam srinu yaanmam||

Benefit Of Duh Swapna Nivaran Mantra

It one suffers from nightmare, Chanting this powerful mantra helps  in getting relief from all kind of negative thought and fearful dreams. This mantra also has power to nullify the malefic effect of bad planetary movements.

7. Maa Durga Mantra for calming restless and fearful baby.

बालग्रहभिभूतानां बालानां शांतिकारकं

सङ्घातभेदे च नृणाम मैत्रीकरणमुतमम

In English:

Baal grah bhibhutaanaam baalaanam shantikaarkam

Sanghatbhede ch nrinaam maetri karan mutmam

Benefit of the Mantra

This powerful mantra helps to calm a restless and fearful child. Sometime child feels that unnatural and spectral being are troubling him thus he feels haunted. In such case parent can chant this mantra to eliminate all such negative energy that is disturbing the child.

8. Shakti Mantra









In Sanskrit:

शरणागत दीनार्तपरित्राण परायणे। सर्वस्यातिहरे देवि नारायण नमोस्तुते।।

सर्वस्वरूपे सर्वेशे सर्वेशक्तिसमन्विते । भयेभ्यस्त्राहि नो देवि दुर्गे देवि नमोऽस्तु ते ।।

रोगनशेषानपहंसि तुष्टा। रुष्टा तु कामान् सकलानभीष्टान्।।

त्वामाश्रितानां न विपन्नराणां। त्वमाश्रिता हृयश्रयतां प्रयान्ति।।

सर्वाबाधा प्रशमनं त्रैलोक्यस्याखिलेश्वरि। एवमेव त्वया कार्यमस्मद्दैरिविनाशनम्।।

सर्वाबाधा विर्निर्मुक्तो धनधान्यसुतान्वित:। मनुष्यो मत्प्रसादेन भविष्यति न संशय:।।

जयन्ती मङ्गला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी । दुर्गा शिवा क्षमा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तु ते ।।

Meaning :

You who are perpetually endeavouring to protect the weak and the poor and remove their misery. Oh Narayani, I pray to you. Oh Goddess Durga, please protect us from all kinds of fear. Oh omnipotent Durga, I pray to you. Oh Goddess, when you are pleased, remove all ailments and when you are angry, destroy everything that a person desires for. However, those who come to you for sanctuary never have to confront any casastrophy. Instead, such people secure enough merit to provide shelter to others.

Whoever listens to the story of the Goddess during the great Puja that is organised in the winters succeeds in overcoming all obstacles and is blessed wealth and progeny.

Oh Goddess, bless me with good fortune, good health, good looks, success and fame. Oh Vaishnavi, you are the very basis for the world. You have mesmerized the World. When you are pleased with some one you ensure his salvation from the cycle of life and death.

Oh Goddess, you who are known by the names of Mangala, Kali, Bhadra Kali, Kapalinee, Durge, Kshama, Shivaa, Dhatri, Swahaa, Swadha, I pray to you.’

Shloka and Mantra for Kids

Benefits of the mantra

Maa Durga mantras are very powerful and have potential to help solve one’s issue and relax one’s  mind. Durga Maa protect her devotee from all evils and mishappening. The effectiveness of mantras depend on the mental discipline involvement and its correct recitation.

Durga Saptashati Mantras

Durga Saptashati, also known as Devi Mahatmya or Chandi Path, is a Hindu scripture that praises and glorifies the Goddess Durga. It comprises 700 verses divided into 13 chapters and is considered one of the most important texts in Hinduism. The scripture tells the story of how the Goddess Durga defeats the demon Mahishasura and his army, thereby restoring peace and order to the universe. It also highlights the different aspects of the Goddess, such as her power, strength, and compassion. The chanting of Durga Saptashati is believed to bring blessings, protection, and spiritual growth to the devotees of the Goddess.

Nine forms of Maa Durga – Navdurga

The most famous Mantra of Maa Durga

The Great Leelas and exploits of Lord Krishna


Shri Krishna is most famous and probably the most written about among the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. His stories are magical, inspiring and humane. He guided and accounted for Pandava’s victory in Mahabharata war. Here are some interesting and unknown facts about him.

He was born in a prison

Lord was born in Rohini Nakshatra as the eighth son of Devki and Vasudeva.Though Kamsa wanted him dead, on that night the prison doors opened and his father Vasudev took him to safety in Nand Village.

Birth of Lord Krishna

His gurudakshina to Sage Sandipani

Lord Krishna, along with his brother Balarama, went to study under the tutelage of Sage Sandipani, who was known for his knowledge and wisdom. Sage Sandipani’s teachings had a profound impact on Lord Krishna’s life, and he is said to have taught Lord Krishna the art of warfare, diplomacy, and the use of divine weapons. He brought back the son of his guru (teacher), Sandipani, who was dead. Thus he paid his Gurudakshina to Sage Sandipani.

Sage Sanidpani gave education to Lord Krishna and Lord Balrama

Reunion with his six brothers

Many of us do not know that he also brought back the six sons of Devki (seventh and eighth being Balrama and himself) for a brief reunion. Names of these six sons are Smara, Udgitha, Parishvanga, Patanga, Kshudrabhrit and Ghrini.

These six sons were earlier grand sons of Hiranyakashyap and they were living under a curse.

Killing of Kansa

Kansa or Kamsa was Kalanemi in his earlier birth.  Kalanemi was killed by Lord Vishnu.  The six sons of Devki were Kalanemi sons in his previous birth and they were cursed by Hiranykashyap that they would be killed by their father. Hence Kansa, duly kills six sons of Devki in their next birth. The six sons of Kalanemi were known by the names of Hamsa, Suvikrama, Kratha, Damana, Ripurmardana and Krodhahanta.

Krishna killing Kansa

Why did Lord Krishna laugh when Ghatotkacha died?

After Ghatotkacha’s death, Lord Krishna is said to have laughed, which puzzled many of the Pandavas and their allies. However, Lord Krishna’s laughter was not out of callousness or insensitivity towards Ghatotkacha’s death. Instead, he knew that Pandavas victory was assured and Dharma will win. The sacrifice of Bhima’s son will ensure the victory of Pandavas.

Gandhari’s curse

Gandhari’s curse to Lord served two purposes. In his earlier avatar as Lord Rama(incarnation), he killed Bali. He assured Tara (Bali’s widow) that Bali would be able to exact his revenge in his next birth. The hunter Jara was  Bali reborn, and in this life, he ended Shri Krishna’s stay on earth with a simple arrow. Thus Gandhari’ s curse and his assurance has been fulfilled.

Death of Bali

Shri Krishna and his wives

Shri Krishna had a total of 16,108 wives, of which only eight were his princely wives, also known as Ashtabharya. Shri Krishna wife names are as following. Rukmini, SatyabhamaJambavatiNagnajitiKalindi, MitravindaBhadra and Lakshmana.

His marriage to Rukmini

Rukmini is also considered to be an avatar of Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune. Shri Krishna married her after she sent him a letter to come and abduct her and save her relatives from a fight. When he was eloping with Rukmini,  Rukmini’s brother Rukmi came and fought, before being defeated by Shri Krishna. His other  16,100 wives were rescued from Narakasura. They had been forcibly kept in his palace and after Krishna had killed Narakasura he rescued these 16,100 women and freed them.

Lord Krishna and Rukmini


Out of his wives, Satyabhama had some ego while Rukmini was fully devoted to Lord Krishna. There is a famous incident of Tulabharam, which has established the simplicity of Rukmini was better than the wealth of Satyabhama.

Tulabharam Shri Krishna

He had eighty sons

He had eighty sons from his eight queens (Ashtapatrani’s). From each of his queen, he had ten sons. Pradyumna was the son of Rukmini. Samba was the son from Jambavati, who was cursed by the sages which later became the reason of destruction of Yadu clan. Shri Krishna himself done penance of Lord Shiva to obtain a son like him. Incidentally, Lord also cursed Samba to be affected by leprosy. Courtesy of Sage Narada.

He advised Arjuna to abduct his sister Subhadra

Shri Krishna’s sister Subhadra was born to Vasudev and Rohini. She was born after Vasudeva was freed from the prison. Balrama wanted her to be married to Duryodhana, who was his favourite disciple. But Rohini and other did not want this. To overcome this situation, Shri Krishna advised Arjuna to abduct Subhadra. He also asked Subhadra to hold the rains of the chariot, so it was technically not an abduction. Balrama was pacified later on, and the marriage was performed at Indraprastha.

Subhadra haran

Radha’s existence?

There is no mention of Radha in scriptures. Neither Mahabharata, Nor Shrimad Bhagwat mention this. This fact is too important to missed by greats like Ved Vyasa. Probably, this was included by Jayadev and became famous from there.

His relation to Ekalavya

Ekalavya was actually Krishna’s cousin. He was the son of Devashrava (brother of Vasudeva) who got lost in the forest and was found by a Nishada Hiranyadhanu. Ekalavya died protecting his father during Rukmini Swayamvar. He was killed by Krishna. For his great sacrifice of Gurudakshina Krishna blessed Ekalavya that he would be soon reincarnated and take revenge on Drona. This person was Dhristadyumna (who kiled Drona).

He fought with Arjuna

He is arguably the most difficult character to understand. Once, he even started fighting with Arjuna. Lord Shiva got so perturbed that he descended to stop the fight. He asked what he was doing. Krishna’s simple reply was that Arjuna needed to fight in battle and hence he was testing Arjuna.

Who all heard Bhagvad Gita

The narration of the Bhagvad Gita by Lord was heard firsthand not only by Arjuna but also Hanuman and Sanjaya. Hanuman was perched on top of Arjuna’s chariot throughout the battle of Kurukshetra and Sanjaya was blessed by Ved Vyasa with divine vision in order to narrate the events of the battle to Dhritharashtra.

Killing of Sambarasura by his son Pradyumna

Pradyumna was  the son of Lord, was an incarnation of Kamadeva. Kamadeva was turned to ashes by Lord Shiva in the earlier life. In this life, he was abducted by Sambarasura and drowned in the ocean, but somehow survived and appeared in his kitchen. He was looked after by Mayavati, who was an incarnation of Rati. She told him that how Sambarasura has tried to kill him when he was ten days old, and asked him to kill Sambarasura.

Pradyumna immediately went before Sambara and challenged him to fight. Pradyumna began to address him in very strong language, so that his temper might be agitated and he would be moved to fight. Soon, a fight started and Pradyumna beat and killed Sambarasura.

Read - facts from Mahabharata

His relation to Pandavas

Pandavas were related to Shri Krishna from mother’s side. Their mother, Kunti, was the sister of Vasudev, father of Shri Krishna.

Sudarshan Chakra

Shri Krishna’s favourite weapon was Sudarshan Chakra. Its notable uses were in killing of Shishupala and more importantly, it was used to create the illusion of sunset which led to the killing of Jayadratha.

Killing of Kaalyavan

There was demon named Kaalyavan, who was summoned by Jarasandha to fight Shri Krishna. He realized that beating him would take some time, so he used a boon on Muchkund to neutralize Kaalyavan. Muchkund was sleeping in a cave and he had a boon that the first person he sees after waking up, will be turned to ashes. Lord entered the cave and hid behind a rock while Kaalyavan happened to wake up Muchkund, and soon, was left to ashes.

Krishna and Karna

Lord was the first person who told Karna about the secret of his birth. He was trying to persuade Karna while he was in Hastinapur, desperately trying to avert the war. Karna has politely refused his offer and requested him to not to divulge this secret to Pandavas.

Krishna and Gopis

During Raas Leela, Lord danced with gopikas. While dancing, all gopis thought that the Lord was dancing with them.

Rasleela with Gopis

Durvasa curses Krishna

Durvasa did not spare Lord also from his curse. One day, Durvasa was eating kheer (a sweet dish made of rice and milk) in persence of Lord. Durvasa ordered Lord to apply the left over kheer on his body. He applied it on the full body but did not apply on his feet thinking of the kheer to be consecrated. Durvasa got angry at this and curses Krishna that since you did not obey my orders and did not apply the kheer on your legs,your legs will not remain impenetrable and unbroken. It is the famous story that he left this world because an arrow by a hunter hurt his toe.

Krishna’s Viratroopa

Duryodhana foolishly tried to imprison Lord when he came for negotiations. Shri Krishna shows all the kings his great form (Virat roopa) . Knowing this Dhritrashtra, also pleaded to allow him to see him once in this form which was granted. The poorer souls shut their eyes while the pious ones were benefited.

Questionnaire on Shri Krishna

What happened to Shri Krishna after his death?

How did Shri Krishna appear as laddu Gopal?

Which god was worshiped by Lord Shri Krishna?

What is the actual date of birth of Shri Krishna?

What happened to the Pandava and Shri Krishna after Mahabharata?

What is mentioned about lord shri krishna in avesta
How can we add shri krishna to our lives
Why did shri krishna leave jarasandha 17 times in the war alive
What did shri krishna give to arjuna

Quiz from Ramayana Katha – 21 Facts


1. __________was the vaidya(doctor) who healed Lakshman.  Click here for details.

2.  Meghnaad was performing yagna to please the goddess ___________. Click here for details.

3. How Rama identified Vali from Sugriva, when the two brothers were fighting? Click here for details.

4. Who saved Rama and Laxman from Naagpasha? Click here for details.

Meghnaad used naga astra against Ram and Laxman

5. Sita was imprisoned in __________ vatika. (This is easy).

6. Ravana contained amrit in his navel. Rama evaporated this by using _____________ weapon. Click here for details.

7. Who was Ravana’s wife? (This is easy). She is one of the PanchKanyas

8.  How many Kanda’s or books are there in Srimad Valmiki Ramayana?

9. Hanuman is said to be Brahmachari. Yet, he had a son. Can you name his  son? Click here for details.

10. There is one character in the Ramayana, who is also present in Mahabharata. Who is he? Click here for details.

11. Laxman was an incarnation of ____________. Click here for details.

Jatayu Painting

12. First shloka of The Ramayana written by Valmiki is ___________________ This happened when the bird Krounch was killed by a hunter and Valmiki complained with above shloka.

13. Hanuman had two siddhis, garima and __________. With the help of these two, he could get past Sursa.

14. Rama intended to use Brahmastra couple of times, first, on Indra’s son, Jayant. On whom, he wanted to use this weapon second time?

15. Who was the teacher of the four princes, Rama, Laxmana, Bharata and Shatrughan.

16.  Name the wife of Bali (or Vali).

17. Rama took help of Sugriva and monkeys because he was cursed to this effect. Who cursed him?

18. After rejected by Rama, Sita lived in the hermitage of sage __________. Here, she has given birth to Lav and Kush.

19. Indra’s son, in a form of bird, was annoying Rama and Sita. Rama intended to use brahmastra on him. In what form he (Indra’s son) was in? Click here for answer.

18. Who was the mother of Sita?

19. Rama, Sita and Laxman lived in ____________ forests during their exile.

20. While Jatayu lost his life trying to save Sita from cluthes of Ravana, his brother lived to tell the details of the abduction to Rama. Name him?  Click here for answer.

21. in Bal Kand, Rama let the wife of Sage Gautam come out of a curse. Who was she? Click here to know the answer.

Revealing the Hidden Gems of Lord Tirupati Balaji


Tirupati is a place  Lord Vishnu chose as an alternative to Vaikunth his celestial home of Lord Venkateshwara. Tirumala temple stands on a hill range comprising seven peaks, representing & hoods of Adisesha. Lord Balaji is also called Lord of seven hills.

Lord Venkateshwara or Lord Balaji at Tirupati temple

Here are some interesting and unknown facts about the  Balaji temple.

The uniqueness of Arch

The Arch at the entrance of Tirumala Hills is unique in the world. Natural arch, Tirumala Hills is a distinctive geological wonder located a km. north of Tirumala Hills temple. The Arch is also known as Silathoranam. Sila is rock and thoranam is garland  strung over a threshold connecting two vertical column as  an  arch. Arch measures 8m in width and 3m. in height. It is one of the few natural arches in Asia.

Balaji temple arch
  • The arch resembles the hood of serpent, a conch and discus all symbol of worship in Hindu religion and considered to be source of the idol of Lord Venkateswara or Lord Balaji.
  • Main deity in Tirumala temple is of the same height as the height of the Arch.
  • Lord Vishnu is supposed to be have put his first foot down at place called Padalu, which is highest point of Tirumala hills, Second step at location of arch and thereafter next step is stated to have been placed where his idol is now worshipped in the temple at Tirumala.

Application of Green Camphor has no ill effect

A Chemical, kachcha Kapooram (Green Camphor) is a soft white chemical is applied on the idol of Balaji everyday. Fact is if this chemical is applied on granite, cracks will appear on it. But , surprisingly this is applied on Balaji every day still there is no damage to the stone.

Idol of Balaji always maintain a temperature of 110 degree F.

The temple is at a height of about 3000 feet so the climate is normally cold and also every morning at 4:30 am Abhishekam is done in which the idol is bathed with water, milk as well as other dravayam. After the bath sweat appears in form of fine water particles on the body of the idol . Sweat is wiped with silken cloth. On every thursday when ornaments are removed before sacred bath it is noticed that they are warm.

The story about Lord’s Chin

At the entrance of the main door, to the right side a stick which was used by Ananthaaivar to his Venkaleshwara Swamy is present. When this stick was used to hit the Small boy Venkateshwara his chin was hurt. Since then the practice of applying sandalwood paste on Swamy’s chin started.

Lord Venkateshwara chin

Why hair is given to Lord

When Balaji lost small portion of hair after hit by shepherd, Neela devi a Gandharva princess cut a portion of her hair and implant it on his scalp. Lord Balaji promises her that all his devotees who come to his abode should render their hair to him, and she would be recipient of all the hair received . It remains a miracle that there is a real hair on the main idol of  Venkateswara Swamy. The authorities says that this hair is always silky smooth and never entangles. Nearly 1.08 crore devotee offer their hair to the Lord and nearly 1.5 crore disposable blades are used for the purpose, TTD gets an income of  200 crore per year with the sale of the offered hair.     

Tirupati – hair offerings

Dress of Lord Balaji

The length of the silken dress of Lord Balaji is around 21 arm length. (roughly one arm length is one and a half feet ), and its weight is around 6 kilogram. This can not be brought from any shop. devotee willing to offer dress submit assigned sum at the temple office towards the cost of the dress offered by the devotee. Andhra Pradesh govt. also offers one set dress twice in a year. Every friday 15 such outer garments are accepted for offering. For this there is  waiting period of at least 10 years or more.

How the garment of Lord Consort is prepared?

The inner garment of Lord Balaji’s consort  Goddess Alarmelumanga are made of cotton at a place called Kathwaal. The weaver of this garment belong to Chechu tribe and they prepare it with utmost devotion. Since this inner garment touches the body of Goddess, the weaver take bath thrice daily during the preparation of the dress, They don’t touch liquor or any non- vegetarian food.

Worship rituals

The worship of Lord Balaji is done as Mother Goddess Amba (Ambal) for 4 days, Lord Maha Vishnu for 2 days and Lord Shiva for one day in a week. Bilva leaves a must for worship of Lord Shiva are used during archana. Venkateshwara Swamy appears to be standing in the middle of the Garba Guddi. Actually, Swamy stands at the right side corner of the Garba Guddi . This can be noticed from standing outside.

Tirupati Garbhagudi

Abhishekam of Lord

Abhishekam is performed every morning from 4:30-5:30. many items required for  Abhishekam are imported from abroad like saffron from Spain, kasturi from Nepal, Punugu from China, certain fragrance material from Paris. These items are mixed with sandal paste prepared in a golden plate. 51 small kalasam of milk is offered in Abhishekam. Then they apply Kasturi and Punugu to the idol. Specially packed roses are air-freighted from Amsterdam. Many fragrant items are sent from China to Balaji. These include chinese camphor, akila(a scented wood similar to sandalwood , sandalwood, amber, kumkum, thamalam etc.

There is also a traditional belief in vogue that Balaji has a third eye which he opens at the time of Abhishekam.

Preparation of food

The temple authority buy a mud pot daily in which curd and rice is offered to Lord. Except curd rice no other cooked or prepared  food item ever cross the  Kulasekara’s steps and enter the sanctum sanctorum. It is deemed to be big blessing indeed if any devotee gets the used mud pot and any left over of the curd and rice offered to Lord Balaji.

Lord’s ornaments

The value of ornament of Balaji is around 1000 crores (appreciates as the market rises). salagrama is golden necklace its weight is around 12 kgs, surya kadari- weighs around 500 kgs, pada kavasam (leg covering ) weighs around 375 kgs. The single blue stone that is in possession of the temple is a unique and can not be found anywhere in world.

The God with no Weapon

Normally any Hindu God idol in sathvik and shanthi posture would be depicted with at least one weapon in one of the hand. But, in case Lord Balaji has no weapon in his hand . He is Nirayudha Pani. In ancient Tamil literature he is described as Verungai Vedan, a hunter without any arms in hands.

Abhishekam water or liquids are let out through pipe into a nearby sacred tank of the temple called Pushkarani. Hence the water in the tank is also considered sacred.  It is believed that the sacred water is capable of removing one’s sin on taking a dip in it. After taking a dip people offers Arghyam.

The Garland

Flower garland worn by the idol of female devotee known as Sri Aandaal at Srivilliputhur temple of Tamil nadu is brought daily to the hills and offered to Lord Balaji. Sri Aandaal worshipped Lord Balaji as her God.

The Secret Village

There is a secret village about 22 kms from town which allows only residents of the village to enter. It is said that village has a garden of flowers from where flowers are fetched and used in the sanctum of Lord Venkateshwara. All the flowers used in garba gudi are in condition brought out. There is a waterfall behind the swamy and all the flowers used are thrown in the waterfall. There are about 1180 stone engraving in the temple at the seven hills. Out of these 50 are in Telegu / Kannada and rest 1130 are in Tamil language only. Paintings / murals  at Tirupati are over 300 years old.

Every Friday morning, a special worship is performed before the commencement of Abhishekam. One Psalm in Tamil beginning with the word Venkatam yena Petra  is sung. During special worship the idol is without any dress or flower decoration (Nirmalya / Viwaroopa Dharshanam / Dikambaram). A camphor is lighted and shown to the Lord (Karpoora Aarti). The Nayadyam is offered  to the Lord(offering of fruits etc). Once again a karpoora aartiis done.

The idol of Balaji at this time shines beautifully and is a treat to the eye.Lakshmi devi is on the heart of Swamy. On Thursday during Nijaroopa Darshanam, Swamy is decorated with white wood paste . When this decoration is taken out the imprint on Lakshmi Devi remains, This imprint is sold by temple authority.

Lakshmi Devi at Lord Venkateshwara temple

The lights lit in front of Swamy are said to lit since thousands of years.

Tirupati – lights are lit for thousand years

The Suprabhatam chanting  to wake up Lord is not played in temple during month of Dec – Jan as he never sleeps.

The Garuda Hills in Tirumala, the abode of Lord Venkateshwara features a natural rock formation that is in the form of Garuda. Garuda is vehicle of Lord Venkateshwara.

A similar statue of silver is built inside the sanctum sanctorum in 966 AD for the purpose of doing Abhishekam as well as beautifying with all the jewelleries. Pallava Dynasty king sakti and his wife  has donated lot of jewels and ornament to this silver idol of Balaji.

Major source of income is offerings, sale of prasadam, sale of  darshan tickets,seva ticket, sale of hair offered and receipt from choultries(place of accommodation). The gross income of TTDfor the year (14-15) ws estimated to be 2359.2 crores ie, about 6.34 crore every day.

The temple is visited by about 50,000 to 100,000 devotees daily, on special occasion or festivals like annual Brahmotsavam, the number shoots up to 500,000 or more thus making it a most visited place in world

In 1800, temple was said to be closed for 12 years. One king is said to have punished 12 people by killing them and hanging them on the wall of the temple. It is believed that at this time Swamy appeared.

Tirupati Temple was closed for twelve years

According to Varaha Purana during treta Yuga , Lord Rama resides here along with Devi Sita and Lakshmana on his return from Lankapuri.

Gayatri Mantra – Mother of all mantras


ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेन्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात् ।

Aum Bhur Bhuvah Svah Tat-Savitur-Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

Gayatri mantra is the oldest and powerful of all the mantras. It is also known as Guru mantra, Savitri mantra, Maha mantra because from this all is born. Gayatri mantra is the basic of all the vedas and the universal prayer enshrined in Vedas hence also known as Veda sara or Veda mata.

It is believed that the Gayatri mantra was revealed to Brahmarshi Vishwamitra.The Gayatri Mantra is addressed to the energy of the Sun (Surya).

Chanting of Gayatri mantra leads to wisdom and illuminates deeds. Gayatri mantra should be chanted at dawn,noon and dusk. But we do not have to be bound by these three periods.

Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri mantra comprises of 3 parts

(1) Praise to Savitha – The Divine is first praised.

(2) Meditation or dhyaan  on Savitha – The Divine is then meditated upon.

(3) Prayer or prarthana to Savitha.

The first nine words represent the attributes of the Divine




“DHEEMAHI” pertains to Meditation.


is the Prayer to God to confer on us all powers and talents.

Meaning of Gayatri Mantra

The First line Bhur Bhuvah Suvah means or depict unity of body, mind and soul.

The Second line Bhargo Devasya Deemahi throw away the darkness.

Last line Dhiyo yo naha Prachodayat means let the effulgence of Divine dispel the darkness of ignorance.

May the Sun Illumine our intellect in the same way he shed his effulgence.

Word by word meaning of Gayatri mantra

Aum means Parabrahman

Bhur  is Physical world

Bhuvah is Mental world

Suvah is  Spiritual world

Tat means That

Savitur is Sun who is Creator and Preserver

Varenyam is adorable

Bhargo means illumination

Devasya is Divine Grace

Dheemahi We meditate upon

Dhiyo means understanding intellect

Yo means Who

Nah  means Our

Prachodayat means enlighten, guide or inspire.


Aspect of Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri has three names: Gayatri, Savitri and Saraswati. Gayatri is master of Senses, Savitri is master of Prana, Saraswati is presiding deity of Speech

These three represents purity in thought, word and deed.

If one chants Gayatri mantra various kinds of power will emerge in one. It should be chanted at Dawn, Noon and Dusk. But we do not  have to be bound by these three periods. It can be chanted any time and any where. The person chanting Gayatri Mantra should ensure that his heart is pure at all time. After Chanting Gayatri mantra we repeat shati Three times as it gives shanti or peace to body, mind and soul.

Five faces of Gayatri

Gayatri is said to have five faces and hence called Panchmukhi.

Panchmukhi Gayatri Mata

Om Pranava is the 1st face (Pranava principle represents 8 different forms of wealth)

Bhur Bhuva Svah is the 2nd face.

Tat Savitur Varenyam is 3rd face.

Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi is 4th face.

Dhiyo yo naha prachodayat is 5th face.

All these 5 aspect of Gayatri Mantra is within us. Gayatri Mantra teaches us to achieve harmony in thought word and deed.

Gayatri is reliever of all disease- Sarva roga nivarini

Gayatri is fulfiller of all desire- Sarva vancha phalashi Gayatri.

Gayatri ward off all misery – Sarva dukha parivahini

Gayatri is bestower of all that is beneficial.

It illuminate the mind and intelligence and promote knowledge and wisdom. Gayatri Mantra improves our thinking and judgement and give better control over our anxiety and emotions, cultivate determination and self esteem, inner peace, and prosperity. Meditating on Gayatri mantra calms the disturbed mind.

The Significance of Sarva Mangal Mangalye – Mantra of Devi Durga


Sarv Mangal Mangalye is a powerful mantra that is believed to bring blessings and positivity to the person reciting it. The mantra is often recited during religious ceremonies and is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. The mantra is typically recited at the beginning of a new venture or project, and is believed to bring success and a smooth outcome. The mantra is believed to bring blessings from the divine and to remove obstacles and negativity. It is a powerful mantra that is believed to bring blessings and positivity to the person reciting it. It is recited as ‘Sarva Mangala Mangalye, Shive Sarvartha Sadhike, Sharanye Trayambake Gauri, Narayani Namostute’

Devi Mantra Book

Sarv Mangala Mangalye Lyrics

The most chanted mantra and powerful mantra of Maa Durga is this mantra. It is said that this mantra has immense power. Lyrics of Sarva Mangala Mangalye is shown below.

Sarva-Mangala-Maangalye Shive Sarvaatha-Saadhike |

Sharanye Trayambake Gauri Narayani Namostute ||

Maa Durga

Meaning of Mantra

We bow to you O Devi Narayani. You are the the auspicious for everyone, you bring happiness . You are the one who completes every work for everyone. You are protector of everyone. You are the one with 3 eyes and a beautiful face. We salute you, O Narayani.

Om Sarva Mangala Mangalaye

She is the most auspicious one and the one who bestows auspiciousness upon all the worlds. She is pure and holy. Maa protects those who surrender to her and is also called the three eyed one and Gauri (daughter of mountain king). I bow down to Mother Durga who is the sister of Mahavishnu.

Manifestation of Devi Durga

Goddess Durga manifested to kill the demon Mahishasura or the buffalo faced demon. Till then, the demon Mahishasura appeared invincible and was troubling all the worlds beyond compare. The heavens and the worlds suffered heavily in his evil hands. The gods and humans were praying fervently to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva seeking to put an end to the miseries they suffered in the hands of the demon. Time passed with no hopes. It was then that goddess Durga manifested in response to the prayers of all.

Information on some more mantras is given below:

Durga Stuti

Yaa Devi Sarva Bhooteshu Vishnu Maayethi Sabdita
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namaha

Meaning: Salutations again and again to the Devi (Goddess) who dwells in all living beings as power and maya of Lord Vishnu.

Mantra for warding off all the evils & mishappenings

Om Jayanti Mangala Kali, Bhadrakali Kapalini

Durga Kshama Shiva Dhatri Swaha Swadha Namoastute.

ॐ जयंती मंगला काली भद्रकाली कपालिनी
दुर्गा क्षमा शिवा धात्री स्वाहा स्वधा नमोऽस्तु‍ते

Chanting and understanding the meaning of these Mantras bring fulfillment to human beings.

Sarva Mangala Mangalaye is a powerful mantra.

Shloka and Mantra for Kids

Ramayana and Lord Hanumana facts


When it comes to Ramayana and Lord Rama, Lord Hanumana is always remembered. He was a great devotee of Rama, a great scholar and one who was capable of winning all three worlds. But, he set the example to the world and a great lesson in humbleness. These facts are about Ramayana, but Lord Hanumana is an integral part of these.

Lord Rama’ s departure from earth

This is an interesting story of how Lord Rama left earth while Hanuman was protecting him.

Ram wouldn’t leave earth as Hanuman wouldn’t allow Yama (God of Death) to enter Ayodhya to claim Ram. To divert Hanuman‘s attention Ram dropped his ring through a crack in the floor and asked Hanuman to fetch it back for him. Going down Hanuman reached the land of serpents and asked the King for Ram’s ring. The king showed Hanuman a vault filled with rings all of which were Ram’s. He told a shocked Hanuman that when in the cycle of time a Ram needs to depart,  he drops a ring down the crack so that a Hanuman can be diverted from his guard.

Why Laxman was younger to Rama but Balrama was elder to Shri Krishna

Lakshman complained that he always had to follow Ram’s instructions even though when he thought they were unjust as he the younger brother and thus duty  bound. Ram promised his that in the next life, he, Lakshman would be the elder brother, but also told him that he would still follow his instructions. They were reborn as Balrama and Krishna. And yet Balrama (elder & Shesha Naga) followed Krishna not because of seniority but because Krishna was always right.

Rama and Laxman

Jambavanta wish to fight Lord Rama was fulfilled in next incarnation of Lord Rama

Pleased with his help during the battle with Ravana, Lord Rama granted Jambavanta a wish. Jambavantha then expressed his wish to fight Lord Rama in a duel. Lord Rama said he would definitely fight him but not as Rama. Later in Dwapara yuga, Krishna fought Jambavanta in a duel and defeated him. Jambavantha then realized that it was Lord Rama who in Krishna’s form defeated him.

Lord Krishna and Jambavant

How Devi Sita satisfied Lord Hanumana’s hunger

Lord Hanumana once visited Sita in sage Valmiki’s cottage and expressed his desire to eat the food cooked by Sita. Sita cooked many delicacies and started serving Hanumana. But Hanumana’s hunger was insatiable and the entire rations of the cottage were coming to an end. Sita then asked to Lord Rama who suggested her she serve a morsel with a Tulsi Leaf. Sita did the same and Hanumana’s hunger was finally satisfied.

Why Lord Hanumana’s body is covered with vermilion (Sindoor)

Once Lord Hanumana saw Sita applying sindoor (Vermilion) to her hair. He asked her what purpose it served to which Sita replied that it was for the well being and long life of Lord Rama. Then Hanuman smeared his entire body with sindoor for the long life of Lord Rama.

Lord Hanumana with sindoor

Why Lord Rama was separated from Sita – Due to Parvati’s curse

After Ravana and his brothers received boons from Lord Brahma, Ravana planned on invading the kingdom of Amaravati, the capital of the heavenly kingdom of Indra. Knowing Ravana’s strength and capability,  Indra consults Narada for help.

Narada tells Indra that Ravana is powerful because his family worships Lord Shiva and that the worship in turn gives them such tremendous power. Narada then suggests Indra that he disrupt Kaikesi’s (Ravan’s Mother) worship of a Linga which is made of sand. Indra disrupts the prayer by destroying the Linga. Knowing this Ravana then promises Kaikesi that he will perform penance and bring Lord Shiva’s Aatma Linga for her to worship.

Goddess Parvathi comes to know about Ravana’s penance and fears that Lord Shiva might leave Kailasa and go to earth forever. Narada then suggests Goddess Parvathi that she seek Lord Vishnu’s help in this matter. Lord Shiva impressed by Ravana’s penance grants him a wish. Lord Vishnu then uses his magic to trick Ravana into asking Goddess Parvathi’s hand from lord Shiva instead of the Aatma Linga. Shiva grants Ravana’s wish. Goddess Parvathi then curses Lord Vishnu that he will also be seperated from his spouse the next time he is born as a human.

This curse laid the path for Sita’s abduction and the Ramayana.

The significance of Holi: A festival of colors and love


Holi – The colour festival

Holi, the festival of colors, is one of the important festivals of India, including Navaratri, Diwali and Eid. This also marks new beginnings as Holika Dahan is considered to end of the previous year and along with it, the problems are also vanished.

People celebrating Holi

When is Holi Celebrated?

Holi is a very popular festival of colours of Hindus. It is celebrated on the last full moon day of lunar month Phalguna. This festival marks the onset of hindi new year.

This is a festival of colour, joy and love. Entire country wears a festive look during holi celebrations. Holi also coincides with end of harvesting season and this is reason for cheer for farmers. It also marks the arrival of spring.

Holi Decorations
Colours of Holi

On the roadside one can find stalls selling gulal, abir and pichkaris. Food preparations also begin many days in advance with assemblage of gujia, papad, kanji and various other snacks like malpua, mathri, dahi bondas,and puran poli which are served to the guests.

Interesting items to celebrate Holi

Though the festival begins many days in advance with Holi milan and musical soirees where songs related to holi is sung some classical one like “aaj biraj mein holi re rasiye” is popular from generations.

Holika dahan

A day before holi, ‘Holika dahan’ or Chhoti holi is celebrated. In this bone fire is lit on the street corner. This is celebrated in the memory of miraculous escape of Prahlad when Holika carried him in to the fire. In South India, this day celebrated as Kama Dahnam.

The next day is celebrated as Dhulendi or Dhulheti or Parva. On this day people get crazy and wacky, they throw colour and coloured water on each other. After fun filled exciting day evening is spend in sobriety where people meet friends and relatives and exchange sweets and festive greetings.

Legends associated with this festival

One of the most popular legend is of Prahlad. There was a cruel demon Hiranyakashyap. He wanted to conquer the world and wanted to be worshiped by every one. His son Prahlad was devotee of Lord Vishnu. Hiranyakashyap did not like this but Prahlad was unmoved in his devotion. So Hiranyakashyap decided to kill Prahlad. He tried to get snake to crush Prahlad but, Prahlad prayed to lord Vishnu and was saved. Then Hiranyakashyap tried to throw him from a cliff but again Prahlad escaped. Finally Hiranyakashyap called his sister Holika to kill Prahlad. Holika was granted a boon that fire would not destroy her. She decided to take Prahlad in lap and sit on a burning pyre.

As the flame engulfed them Prahlad called aloud for Lord Vishnu’s help. To every body’s surprise, the fire slowly consumed Holika and she was burned to death. Prahlad emerged safe and sound.

Hiranyakashyap was later killed by Narsingh avatar of lord Vishnu, one of the dashavatara.

Holika and Prahalad

The myth of Kamadeva

There is another story from South India. There people worship Kamadeva as God of love and passion. According to this legend Kamdev shot his powerful love arrow on Lord Shiv to revoke his interest in worldly affair in the interest of earth. Lord Shiv was enraged as he was in deep meditation and opened his third eye which reduces Kamadeva into ashes . Though later on the request of Rati Kamdev’s wife Shiv was pleased to restore him back.

The legend of Radha-Shri Krishna

Holi is also celebrated in memory of the immortal love of Shri Krishna and Radha. Krishna, in his childhood, would complain to his mother Yashoda about why Radha was so fair and he so dark (There is a popular song from hindi movies on this – Yashomati maiyaa se bole nandlala, sung by Lata Mangeshkar). Yashoda advised him to apply colour on Radha’s face and see how her complexion would change. One of the Shri Krishna’s prank was to throw colored powder all over the gopis. So at Holi, images of Krishna and his consort Radha are often carried through the streets. Holi is celebrated with eclat in the villages around Mathura, the birth-place of Krishna.

This festival marks the hindu new year.

The Festival of Colors: Understanding the Significance of Holi

Interesting Items to Celebrate Holi

Recommended Reading:

Seven unknown facts about Karna

Unknown fact about Draupadi – Why she had five husbands

When incarnation of Lord Vishnu could not defeat his bhakta

Lord Kartikeya stories


Lord Kartikeya, the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, is known by different names – Lord Swaminatha, Lord Murugan, Skand and more. His brother is Lord Ganesha. There is an interesting story of a competition between two brothers, Lord Ganesha and Lord Kartikeya and how Lord Kartikeya subsequently chose to live in Tamil region. He is also the commander of Devas or Gods.

Lord Kartikeya is considered the deity of war, the commander of the divine forces, and the patron of the arts. He is depicted as a young, handsome and energetic deity, inspiring devotion and courage in his followers.

Birth of Lord Kartikeya

There was a demon named Tarakasura who had the boon that he should only be killed by Lord Shiva’s son. This is soon after Sati’s death, and Lord Shiva was very much perturbed by the death of Sati, so Taraka takes it for granted that Shiva would not at all get remarried, and hence, would not have a son to call his own.

It is believed that Lord Kartikeya or Murugan manifested for the sole purpose of killing Tarakasura.  Tarakasura knew very well that Lord Shiva was an ascetic and He would not marry or have children. Hence, he would be invincible.

The competition between two brothers – Kartikeya and Ganesha

As luck would have, Lord Shiva finally married Goddess Parvati. Lord Shiva took her to a cave and asked her to meditate. As they both meditated, a ball of fire emerged out of their cosmic energies.

In the mean time, the other Gods being insecure from Tarakasura, sent Agni or the God of fire to get hold of the ball of fire. But even Agni couldn’t bear the heat of the energy of Shiva and Parvati. So, He handed over the ball to Goddess Ganga. When even Ganga couldn’t bear the heat, She deposited the fire ball into a lake in a forest of reeds.

Why he is known as Shanmukha

Then Goddess Parvati took the form of this water body as She alone could bear the energy of Shiva and Shakti. Finally the fire ball took the form of a baby with six faces. Hence, Kartikeya is also known as Shanmukha or the God with six faces. He was first spotted and taken care of by six women who represented the Pleiades or the Kritikas. So, the divine child was known as Kartikeya or the son of the Kritikas. Later on, he becomes commander-in-chief of the Gods.

Why he is called Swaminatha

Once he asked Lord Brahma to explain the meaning of Om. Brahma explained to him but he was not satisfied. Later on, when asked by Lord Shiva, he explained the whole episode to him.  Lord Shiva told that he must learn from Lord Brahma, as he is the supreme creator. To this Kartikeya replied, ‘Then you tell me, what is the meaning of Om?’ Hearing this, Lord Shiva smiled and said, ‘Even I don’t know.’ Kartikeya then said, ‘Then I will tell you because I know the meaning of Om. Then tell me the meaning since you know it’, said Lord Shiva.


‘I can’t tell you like this. You have to give me the place of the Guru. Only if you put me on the pedestal of the Guru can I tell you’, said Kartikeya. Guru means he has to be on a higher position or platform. The teacher has to sit on a higher place and the student has to sit down and listen to him.

How can Lord Shiva find a seat higher than him, for He is the highest and greatest of Gods? So then Lord Shiva lifted the young Kartikeya on to His shoulders. And then in the ear of Lord Shiva, Lord Kartikeya explained the meaning of the Pranava Mantra (Om).

The essence of Om as explained by Murugan

Kartikeya explained that the entire Creation is contained in Om. The Trinity – Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva are contained in Om. This is the essence and also the secret of Om that Lord Kartikeya narrated to Lord Shiva. Upon hearing this, Goddess Parvati (Mother of Lord Kartikeya, and an incarnation of the Mother Divine) was elated and overcome with joy. She said, ‘You have become a Guru (Swami) to my Lord (Natha)!’ Saying this she addressed her son as Swaminatha, and ever since Lord Kartikeya also came to be known as Swaminatha.

Why his flag contains a picture of Rooster (cock)

In due course, Tarakasur was defeated by Lord. So, Tarakasur (ego) became a chicken or rooster after being defeated by Kartikeya. After having defeated Taraka (ego) in battle, Kartikeya spared his life and asked him what boon he would desire. Taraka prayed to always be at the feet of the Lord, and so Lord Kartikeya made him the emblem on His flag. This means that ego should always be kept subdued. Ego is necessary in life but it should be kept subdued.

Lord Kartikeya’s appearance

Lord Kartikeya is one of the most beautiful and handsome gods, also known as Skanda. He rides a peacock called Paravani. His preferred weapon is the Vel or spear hence the popular name Velayudhan – he whose weapon is a spear. He is called Yuddharanga or the wisdom of war too and is represented with six heads and twelve hands. The Lord is popularly known as Subramaniam too which is a common South Indian name. Lord Murugan is considered very handsome, brave, just. Even though he was seen as a playful youngster, he was also extremely knowledgeable – enough to test Lord Brahma himself.

Why Lord Kartikeya is also called Murugan

The name “Murugan” is derived from the Tamil word “murugu,” which means “youthful” or “beautiful.” He is also known as Skanda, Subrahmanya, Shanmukha, and other names, each with a different connotation and significance.

Lord Kartikeya, Lord Murugan

His Consorts

Lord Murugan has two consorts – Valli and Devasena. Valli is a tribal girl and Devasena is the daughter of Indra, the king of the Devas. His mount is the peacock.  Lord the creates his own abode Palani, near Madurai as he was angry on cheated at the sacred fruit. Kartikeya carries on one hand a spear and his other hand is always blessing devotees. His vehicle is a peacock, a pious bird that grips with its feet a serpent, which symbolizes the ego and desires of people. The peacock represents the destroyer of harmful habits and the conqueror of sensual desires. The symbolism of Kartikeya thus points to the ways and means of reaching perfection in life.

Marriage of Lord Skanda

Amritavalli and Saundaravalli were two daughters of Vishnu born from his eyes. They developed undying love for Skanda and performed severe austerities to obtain him as husband. At Skanda’s instructions, Amritavalli incarnated as Devasena, a young girl under the guardianship of Indra in Swarga. Saundaravalli took the form of Valli, a lass under the protection of Nambiraja, a hunter near Kanchipuram. ‘Valli’ is a Tamil term for the Sanskrit ‘Lavali’, a kind of creeper. As she was found among the creepers as a baby, the hunter called her ‘Valli’. After the war with Surapadma was over, the devas were overjoyed. Skanda acceded to Indra’s prayer to accept Devasena as his consort. The divine wedding was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Tirupparankundram near Madurai in the presence of Parvati and Siva. Indra’s recoronation in Amaravati in Swarga followed. Devas regained their power and positions. Skanda took his home in Skandagiri. He then proceeded to Tiruttani near Chennai, where Valli was looking after barley fields. After a series of sportive love-pranks, in which his brother Vighneswara also lent a helping hand, he married her.


This form of Devi Parvati is also known as Goddess Skandmata, mother of Lord Kartikeya. She is worshipped on the fifth day of the Navratri. The fifth manifestation of the goddess seems to be pure and white. Whenever the oppression by the demons increases, goddess Skandmata rides on a lion and kills them. Devi Skandmata has four arms. She holds lotus in two hands and uses the other hand to support Lord Kartikeya sitting on her lap. Her fourth hand is raised to bless the devotees.

Maa Skandmata

The Kavadi Attam or Kanwar

Celebration of Kavadi Attam is performed during Thai Pusam. This is the ceremonial worship of Murugan, the God of War. This is symbolic of the devotees carrying a physical burden, imploring the Lord to release them from material bondage. There is a story behind this Kavadi.  Lord Shiva once entrusted the dwarf saint sage Agastya to carry two hillocks and install them in South India. But the sage asked his disciple, Idumban to get them instead. Idumban could not initially lift the hillocks, until he obtained divine help. Idumban put the hillocks down to rest awhile, near Palani. When he attempted to continue with his journey, he found that the hillocks were immovable.

Information about Lord Kartikeya

Idumban then sought the help of a scantily dressed youth, who said that the hillocks belonged to him. Lord Murugan easily defeated Idumban. He realized then that the youth was none other than Lord Murugan. Idumban pleaded for pardon and announces that anyone who comes to the hills to worship Murugan with an object similar to the two hillocks suspended by a rod, may be granted his heart’s desire. Idumban’s wish was granted. That is how the kavadi or Kanvad came to play its role in Hindu festivals.


People celebrate Kumara Purnima on the full moon day after Vijayadashami. This is one of the popular festival dedicated to Kartikeya in Odisha. It is believed that unmarried girls worship Kartikeya on this day to get grooms handsome as Kartikeya.

Lord Kartikeya is also known as Lord Murugan.

Sunder Kand – Lord Hanuman (Ramayana)


Sunder Kand is the story of Lord Hanumana finding Sita. The most important character for this chapter is of Hanuman’s. This is the fifth chapter of Ramayana, which was originally written by Sage Valmiki. This talks about exploits of Lord Hanumana, who finds the whereabouts of Devi Sita.

Jambavant praises Hanumana

In search of Sita, Hanumana was required to cross the ocean. Due to a curse on him, he was unable to do so despite having the powers within himself. Jambavant became the guide here and he sang praises for Lord Hanumana. This made him to realize his strength and complete the task of finding Devi Sita.

Lord Hanumana and Lord Jambavant

Journey to Lanka

After Jambvant praised and advised Hanuman, he started his journey to Lanka.  Mainak came forward to offer some rest, but he declined.

Hanuman and Mainak mountain


On his way, first came Sursa. She was asked to test Hanuman’s skills and wisdom. She said that everyone has to pass through her mouth before one can resume its journey. Hanuman has Garima and Laghima skills which he applied. He first enlarged his size.

In reply, Sursa also increased her mouth. Suddenly he reduced his size and entered her mouth and came out of her nose. Sursa blessed him for his skills. By using his wisdom, he proceeded further.


Hanumana kills Sinhika/ Simhika

Soon, another hurdle appeared. A demon caught his shadow. The demon was  Sinhika. She got the boon from Brahma that she can control anyone’s shadow. Hanuman had to overcome her before he could proceed.  She managed to swallow  him, but soon enough, he killed her and restarted his journey towards  Lanka.

Meeting Lankini

Hanuman reaches the shores of Lanka. He found that many demons are guarding Lanka. He decides to enter lanka in night but ran into Lankini. Hanuman hit her hard. Lankini understands that end of Ravana is near as she was told by Brahma that when a monkey is cause of her pain, then it is time of end of Ravana. She praises his devotion towards Lord Rama.

Finding Mata Sita

Hanuman then searches for Sita in Lanka. He even checked Ravana’s palace.

Looking for Sita

Then he came to another palace, which was Vibhishan’s. He met him. Vibhishan told him about Sita whereabouts.

He goes to Ashok vatika and observes Sita. She was sitting alone under a tree.

Sita at Ashok vatika

At the same time, Ravana came there and threatened Sita with dire consequences, if she refuses to marry him. Trijata named demon consoles Sita. She said that she had seen in her dreams that end of Ravana is close. But Sita is still perturbed.

Hanuman then dropped the ring given by Lord Rama before Sita. Sita becomes happy by seeing and recognizing the ring of Lord Rama.
He then came before Sita and explained how he has come to Lanka and ashok vatika. He pacifies Sita that Lord will come soon and then it will be end of all the problems.

With permission of Sita, Hanuman then ate fruits from Ashok Vatika and uprooted many trees.
He killed many demons including Akshaykumara. They went to Ravana for help. Ravana sent his warriors but they were defeated by Hanuman. Finally, Meghnaad used Brahmastra and used Nagpaash to tie him.

Hanuman creating havoc in Ashok Vatika

Meghnaad and Hanuman (Brahmastra and Nagpaash)

Meghnaad then brought Hanuman to the Ravana’s court. Hanuman told Ravana to return Sita to Rama and live in peace. Instead, he asked to burn his tail so that a lesson can be taught to him. Hanuman made his tail become bigger. Lot of oil and clothes were required to cover the tail. Finally the tail was set to fire. Hanuman used laghima and became small. Lanka is thus burnt.

Hanuman returns to Sita and seeks permission to go back. Sita gives her ornaments and requests them to be presented before Lord Rama.

Hanuman heads back to Kishkindha.
He meets Rama and Lakshman and tells them the whole story.

he meets Rama and Laxman after returning from lanka.

Then, Rama, Laxman and Hanuman, meet Sugriva and decide future course of action.
After knowing the whereabouts of Sita, Rama sets out to free her. He is accompanied by Vanara Sena.

Mandodari and Ravana discussion

Demons report this to Mandodari.  Mandodari reasons with ravana as Hanuman, the messenger of Rama has done so much damage. Pregnant demons suffer from miscarriage when they think of Hanuman. So this is not wise to keep Sita. Ravana does not heed to the advice.

Mandodari persuades Ravana to release Sita

Even Vibheeshana, brother of Ravana, persuades Ravana. Ravana insults him.

Vibheeshana meets Rama and requests for his companionship. Rama accepts him as his friend.

Ravana sends his spy to Rama’s abode. Shuka, the messenger, was captured and Laxman releases him with a letter to Ravana.

Shuka and Ravana

Rama requests Sea to give him way. When the sea does not listen, Rama intends to use Brahmastra. The Sagar yields and advises to consult Nal and Neela to find a way to Lanka.

Sea god (Sagar) and Lord Rama

Recommended Reading:

Seven unknown facts about Karna

Unknown fact about Draupadi – Why she had five husbands

When incarnation of Lord Vishnu could not defeat his bhakta

Do you know that Jambavant has seen a number of avatars (incarnations) of Lord Vishnu. He even got his daughter married to Shri Krishna and there is an interesting story of his fight with Lord Krishna. You can find this story on this blog.

Bali and Sugriva – An interesting tale of two brothers


In the Ramayana, two monkey brothers are mentioned with importance. In fact, a complete chapter is devoted with the name of Kishkindha Kand on them. The interesting story of these two brothers is as following.

The story of Bali and Sugriva is an important story in the Indian epic, the Ramayana. Bali was a powerful king who ruled the three worlds and was feared by the gods. Sugriva was the king of the monkeys, who lived in fear of Bali. One day, Lord Rama, an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, came to Sugriva and promised to help him regain his kingdom from Bali.

Birth of Sugriva and Bali 

How were Bali and Sugriva Born?

Once Brahma threw smear from his eyes and a monkey Riksharaj appeared from the smear. He was instructed to wander in the forests and kill demons. Soon he got into a well and transformed into a beautiful lady. When Lord Indra and Lord Surya saw the lady, they became attracted to her and thus Bali and Sugriva were born. These two brothers were very powerful and were asked to live in Kishkindha mountain by Lord Brahma.

What is the name of Bali and Sugriva’s mother? – Riksharaj

Curse on Bali and Rishyamooka mountain

Soon, in course of time, Bali killed Dundubhi. Sage Matang had his hermitage at Rishiyamooka Mountain. When the stream of blood fell on his hermitage which resulted from killing of Dundabhi, he wondered about the reason. Suddenly a Yaksha came and revealed the secret behind the stream of blood. Indignant, sage Matang cursed Bali that he would die if he ever ventured on Rishiyamooka Mountain. That is the reason Bali could not visit Rishiyamooka mountain.

Bali and Dundubhi – Monkey and Demon

Boon on Bali

Brahma had given a boon to Bali which made him virtually impossible to defeat and kill. Whenever facing an enemy in a combat, Bali would get half of the strength of his opponent. He was killed when he was involved in a fight with his brother, Sugriva. (This episode is detailed in Kishkindha kand – The Ramayana)

Bali defeats Ravana

The might of Bali was such that he defeated and moved around while holding Ravana under his armpit. Ravana, the demon king of lanka and the main antagonist of the Ramayana, was a mighty ruler, but even he was helpless before Bali. So Ravana was weak before monkey (Bali) and Rama (human).

Bali ties Ravana in his tail

Bali’s end

Once, Bali chased a demon Mayavi after killing his brother Dundabhi. Mayavi entered into a cave where Bali followed him. Bali too followed him into the cave. But before entering he cave, he instructed Sugriva to wait outside for a fortnight. He also said that if he did not come out of the cave after fifteen days, Sugriva would understand that Bali had been killed. After a month, He saw blood coming out of the cave and assumed that Bali was dead. Sugriva returned to the kingdom as  a king. But Bali was alive. When he came back and saw Sugriva running the kingdom of Pampapuri,

he became furious. He drove Sugriva out and enslaved his wife as well.  Sugriva was hiding in Rishiyamooka mountain, because of curse of Sage Matang, this place was safe.

Rama helps Sugriva

Lord Rama assured Sugriva that he will help him here. He also cut the seven palm trees with one shot of his arrow convincing Sugriva of his strength. Rama also believed that Bali’s crime was unpardonable as he has taken his brother’s wife. He asked Sugriva to invite Bali for a duel. Bali beat him badly as Rama could not differentiate one from another as both brothers looked alike.

Bali and Sugriva fighting

What is the outcome of the second fight between Sugriva and Bali?

Rama asks Sugriva again to invite Bali for a duel and this time to wear a garland. During the battle, Rama kills Bali with an arrow passing through his heart.

Post Bali’ death

After the death of Bali, Sugriva became the ruler of Kishkindha. Bali’s son Angad, given important duties in the war against Ravana. Sugriva married Tara. Initially Sugriva forgot his promise made to Rama, but Laxman came as a messenger and asked him for help. Tara, one of the panchkanyas, coaxed Sugriva to help Rama.

Sugriva Story

Kishkindha Kand from Ramayana Katha


Kishkindha  Kand is the chapter in Ramayana, which involves meeting between Lord Rama and his disciple Hanuman. It also features the story of two brothers Bali and Sugriva and how Rama killed Bali who enslaved Surgriva’s wife.

Rama finds Shabri

Searching for Sita, Rama and Laxman Shabri’s ashram. Shabri offers fruits which have been tested by her so the Lord does not get a bitter fruit. She advises them to go further southwards to Pampa lake and to Kishkindha where they would get help.

Shabri offering fruits to Rama

Rama reaches Kishkindha

On Shabri’s advise, Rama reached Kishkindha while looking for Sita. Sugriva was sceptical of the two brothers and he asked Hanuman to assess their intentions. Hanuman disguised himself as a brahmin but Rama identified him due to his chain around the neck. Hanuman fell upon his feet.

He showed them the ornaments and jewels which were thrown by Sita while she was abducted. Rama recognises them of Sita’s. Hanuman took them to Sugriva. Sugriva was driven out by Vali.  Vali also took Sugriva’s wife. Rama befriended Sugriva. Rama promised to help him.

Ram reached Sugriva

Fight of Vali and Sugriva

Vali had a boon which made him unconquerable. Sugriva promised that he will help in finding Sita. Ram asks Sugriva to invite Vali for a fight. He also asked him to wear a garland because both brothers looked identical.

Bali and Sugriva fight

Rama kills Vali by piercing an arrow through his heart. Vali accuses Rama of wrongdoing. Rama explains that he has committed the crime of abducting his brother’s wife. And Kishkindha, a state of Bharat’s kingdom, lies in his jurisdiction. His crime was unforgiveable, so he had to execute this task of killing him.

Vali humbled by Rama

Death of Vali

Tara (Vali’s wife) is inconsolable. Tara invokes the power of her chastity and curses Rama so that he will soon lose Sita after he regains her. She declares that Sita will return to the earth. Tara additionally curses Rama that in his next birth, Vali will kill him. Rama pacifies her. Rama promises Vali to give him a chance to avenge his unjust murder. Vali is known as to be born as Jara, the hunter, who became the cause of Shri Krishna’s death.

Tara and Ram – The Ramayana katha

Sugriva crowned as king. Angad (Vali’s son) was anointed as the heir.

Sugriva made king of Kishkindha

Rama also taught him nuances of statesmanship.

Rama anointed Sugriva as king of Kishkindha

He advises Sugreev to rule justly. Then Sri Rama along with Laskhman went to live at Pravarshan Mountain.

Ram and Laxman leaving from Kishkindha to caves

Few months passed. Sugriva forgot his promise. Rama gets restless and advises Laxman to visit Kishkindha.

Laxman threatens to destroy Kishkindha after Sugriva did not keep his promise.

Tara asks Sugriva to help Rama and Laxman.

Tara advises Sugriva to help Laxman

Search of Sita

Sugriva instructed Hanumana to send the messenger in all directions and to bring the news of Sita within fifteen days. Angad told sugriva that only Hanuman can find Sita. Sugriva asks Hanuman to search. Hanumana then gathered all the monkeys and went to Sri Rama to seek his permission.

Hanuman, Ram and Laxman

Rama blessed them for successful accomplishment of their mission. He also gave his ring to Hanumana.

Rama giving ring to Hanuman

Now Hanuman and his army of monkeys moved in search of Sita.  They searched Sita in the caves of every mountain but did not find her.

Vanara searching Sita

Jambvant makes Hanumana realize his powers

Jambvant consols Angad saying that Rama was not an ordinary human being. He pacifies him and asks not to worry, as everything would be resolved by Sri Rama’s blessings.

They reach seashore. At the seashore Sampati ( brother of Jatayu) bumped into Hanuman. He told him about Sita and she is in Lanka.

Sampati tells about Sita whereabouts

When Jambvant saw that there was nobody who could cross over the ocean, he praised and urged Hanumana  to cross the ocean. Hanuman had a curse that he would only realize his strength and capabilities when told by someone.

Jambvant urges Hanuman go to Lanka.

When Hanumana listened to Jambvant he realized his latent strength. His body expanded like a mountain. Hanumana then sought Jambvant advice.

Hanuman taking viraat roopa (form)

Jambvant instructed him to just return back after seeing Sita in Lanka. He said that the rest would be accomplished by Sri Rama.

Hanuman departing for Lanka in search of Sita

This is the story of Kishkindha Kand from Ramayana Katha

Interesting story about Rang Barse Song about Holi

The song “Rang Barse” from the movie “Silsila” (1981) is considered one of the most iconic Holi songs in Bollywood history. Interestingly, the song was almost not included in the movie!

The movie’s director, Yash Chopra, was hesitant to include the song as he felt that it did not fit with the serious and mature tone of the film. However, his wife and the movie’s producer, Pamela Chopra, convinced him to keep the song in the film.

The song was written by Harivansh Rai Bachchan, a renowned Hindi poet and father of Bollywood legend Amitabh Bachchan, who also starred in the movie. The lyrics of the song are playful and flirtatious, and it became an instant hit with audiences when the movie was released.

Interestingly, the song was initially supposed to be sung by Kishore Kumar. However, due to a misunderstanding between Kishore Kumar and Yash Chopra, Kumar declined to sing the song. The song was eventually sung by Amitabh Bachchan himself, marking his debut as a playback singer.

“Rang Barse” went on to become a timeless Holi classic, and is still played at Holi celebrations across India.

Bollywood amazing Holi Moments – Nostalgic memories Relived

Holi, the great festival of India is also captured in various songs and dialogues. Let us relive them. Let’s Recall the Vibrant Scenes of Holi in Hindi Movies. You see that Holi theme has been greatly used by Yash Chopra.

Holi kab hai, kab hai Holi? Holi kab hai, kab hai Holi?

Perhaps the most iconic dialogue immortalized by Amzad Khan as Gabbar Singh in Sholay. The song “Holi Ke Din” from the movie “Sholay” (1975) featuring Dharmendra, Amitabh Bachchan, Hema Malini and Jaya Bachchan.

Rang Barse

The iconic “Rang Barse” song from the movie “Silsila” (1981) featuring Amitabh Bachchan, Rekha and Jaya Bachchan. Amitabch Bachchan was in his elements. Interestingly, the song was initially supposed to be sung by Kishore Kumar. The song was eventually sung by Amitabh Bachchan himself, marking his debut as a playback singer.

Range Barse in Silsila – Amitabh Bachchan


The song “Soni Soni” from the movie “Mohabbatein” (2000) featuring Shah Rukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai, and Amitabh Bachchan. is a popular song from the Bollywood movie “Mohabbatein” (2000), directed by Aditya Chopra. The music was composed by Jatin-Lalit, with lyrics by Anand Bakshi. The song features the movie’s main cast, including Amitabh Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Aishwarya Rai, and others, celebrating the festival of Holi. The song is a joyful and upbeat celebration of love and friendship, with the colorful visuals of the actors dancing and playing with colors adding to the festive spirit. The catchy tune, along with the movie’s star-studded cast and captivating visuals, helped make “Soni Soni” a fan favorite, and it is still played at Holi celebrations across India.

The song “Aaj Na Chhodenge” from the movie “Kati Patang”

.Aaj Na Chhodenge is a classic Bollywood song from the 1970 movie “Kati Patang”, directed by Shakti Samanta. The song is composed by RD Burman and features the soulful vocals of Kishore Kumar and Lata Mangeshkar. The song is set against the backdrop of the colorful festival of Holi, and features the movie’s lead actors Rajesh Khanna and Asha Parekh dancing and playing with colors. The lyrics, written by Anand Bakshi, convey a message of love and togetherness, and the melody has a romantic and playful feel to it. The song’s popularity has endured over the decades, and it continues to be played at Holi celebrations across India. The song has also been remixed and used in various Bollywood films and advertisements over the years.

Holi Khele Raghuveera

“Holi Khele Raghuveera” is a popular Bollywood song from the 2009 movie “Baghban”. The song is composed by Aadesh Shrivastava and features the energetic vocals of Amitabh Bachchan, Sukhwinder Singh, and Alka Yagnik. The song’s catchy beats and playful lyrics make it a popular choice for Holi celebrations and it has become a staple of the festival’s musical repertoire.

Ang Se Ang Lagana

Another one from Yash Chopra. The song “Ang Se Ang Lagana” from the movie “Darr” (1993) featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Juhi Chawla.

Jai Jai Shiv Shankar

The song “Jai Jai Shiv Shankar” from the movie “Aap Ki Kasam” (1974) featuring Rajesh Khanna and Mumtaz. “Jai Jai Shiv Shankar” is a classic Bollywood song from the 1974 movie “Aap Ki Kasam”, directed by J. Om Prakash. The song is composed by RD Burman and features the lively vocals of Kishore Kumar and Lata Mangeshkar. The song’s upbeat rhythm and playful lyrics make it a perfect choice for Holi celebrations. The song features actors Rajesh Khanna and Mumtaz dancing and playing with colors, and the chemistry between the two actors adds to the song’s appeal. The song’s popularity has endured over the years, and it is still played at Holi celebrations across India, making it one of the most popular Holi songs of all time.

The song “Badri Ki Dulhania” from the movie “Badrinath Ki Dulhania” (2017) featuring Varun Dhawan and Alia Bhatt.

The song “Balam Pichkari” from the movie “Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani” (2013) featuring Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone.

The song “Holi Aayi Re Kanhai” from the movie “Mother India” (1957) featuring Nargis, Sunil Dutt and Rajendra Kumar.

The song “Holi Mein Rangeele” from the movie “Welcome” (2007) featuring Akshay Kumar, Katrina Kaif, Anil Kapoor and Nana Patekar.

The song “Go Pagal” from the movie “Jolly LLB 2” (2017) featuring Akshay Kumar and Huma Qureshi.

The song “Holiya Mein Ude Re Gulal” from the movie “Ilaaka” (1989) featuring Mithun Chakraborty and Sanjay Dutt.

The song “Holi Khelein” from the movie “Zanjeer” (2013) featuring Ram Charan and Priyanka Chopra.

The song “Holi Re” from the movie “Mangal Pandey: The Rising” (2005) featuring Aamir Khan and Rani Mukherjee.

The song “Chhan Ke Mohalla” from the movie “Action Replayy” (2010) featuring Akshay Kumar and Aishwarya Rai.

The song “Saat Rang Ke Sapne” from the movie “Saat Rang Ke Sapne” (1998) featuring Arvind Swamy and Juhi Chawla.

The song “Aaj Ki Party” from the movie “Bajrangi Bhaijaan” (2015) featuring Salman Khan and Kareena Kapoor.

The song “Hori Khele Raghuveera” from the movie “Baaghi 2” (2018) featuring Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani.

होली मौकों की झलक जब बॉलीवुड में दिखाई दी! याद करें फिल्मी होली के रंगीन पल! #होली #बॉलीवुड #मौके

These are some Great Holi moments from Hindi movies

Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple – The Legacy

The Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a Hindu temple located in the city of Thiruvananthapuram, in the southern Indian state of Kerala. It is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, one of the major deities in Hinduism and is considered one of the 108 Divya Desams, or sacred Vishnu temples. The temple is known for its architectural and historical significance, as well as its wealth and treasures that were discovered in recent years.

Lord Vishnu

The temple is said to have been built in the 8th century AD and is considered to be one of the oldest and most important temples in South India. The temple is built in the Dravidian style of architecture and is known for its intricate carvings and sculptures. The temple is also known for its 18 feet high idol of Lord Vishnu, which is made of 12,000 saligramams and is considered one of the largest idols of Lord Vishnu in India.

The temple is also known for its wealth and treasures that were discovered in recent years. In 2011, a Supreme Court of India order led to the unsealing of secret vaults in the temple and revealed a vast treasure trove of gold, jewels, and precious stones worth billions of dollars. The discovery of the treasure made headlines around the world and made the Padmanabhaswamy Temple one of the wealthiest temples in India.

The temple also has a rich cultural and historical significance. It is believed to have been visited by many saints and scholars throughout history, and it is said to have been a center of learning and culture in ancient times. The temple also has a strong association with the royal family of Travancore, who have been the traditional custodians of the temple for centuries.

In summary, the Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a Hindu temple located in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Dedicated to Lord Vishnu and considered one of the oldest and most important temples in South India, it is known for its architectural and historical significance, as well as its wealth and treasures that were discovered in recent years. It is considered one of the wealthiest temple in India. It is also a cultural and historical significance to the royal family of Travancore who have been the traditional custodians of the temple.

Another important Temple at Tirupati

The story of AshokSundari – Daughter of Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati

Origin of Ashok Sundari

Ashoka Sundari is a Hindu goddess and the daughter of Lord Shiva and Parvati. She is mentioned in Hindu scriptures and is considered to be one of the many forms of the divine feminine in Hinduism. According to Hindu mythology, Ashok Sundari was born as a result of Lord Shiva’s and Parvati’s intense devotion and tapasya (austerities). She was said to be so beautiful and graceful that she was known as the goddess of beauty and grace.

Ashok Sundari is often depicted as a young and beautiful woman, surrounded by flowers and holding a lotus flower in her hand. She is said to bring happiness and joy wherever she goes, and is associated with the power of love, compassion, and beauty.

Unknown facts about Ashok Sundari

Temples: There are several temples dedicated to Ashokasundari in India, especially in Tamil Nadu and other South Indian states. Some of the most famous temples dedicated to her are the Ashokasundari Temple in Kanchipuram, the Ashokasundari Temple in Chidambaram, and the Ashokasundari Temple in Thiruvanaikaval.

Associated with Victory: Ashokasundari is often associated with victory, and is believed to bestow her devotees with the power to overcome their challenges and attain success in their lives.

Power of Love: Ashokasundari is considered to embody the power of love, compassion, and beauty, and is revered as a symbol of the divine feminine.

Meditation: Devotees of Ashokasundari often meditate on her image and chant her mantra as a way to tap into her divine blessings and attain inner peace and happiness.

These are some of the lesser-known facts about Ashokasundari.

Lord Shiva also had two more daughters, there pictures are produced below.

Three Daughters of Lord Shiva

शकुंतला दुष्यंत की कहानी – Shakuntala Story in Hindi

शकुंतला दुष्यंत की कहानी प्राचीन भारत की संस्कृति और साहित्य का एक महत्वपूर्ण अंश है। इस कहानी का वर्णन कलिदास ने अपनी रचना ‘अभिज्ञानशाकुन्तलम्’ में किया है।

शकुंतला एक राजकुमारी थी जो महर्षि काण्व के आश्रम में पल बढ़ी थी। वह बहुत ही सुंदर थी और अपनी संगीत और नृत्य की कला में माहिर थी। एक दिन राजा दुष्यंत उस आश्रम में आया था जहां शकुंतला रहती थी। शकुंतला ने उसे स्वागत किया और उसकी सेवा की।

राजा दुष्यंत शकुंतला की सुंदरता और उनकी कला से प्रभावित हो गए थे। उन्होंने शकुंतला से विवाह करने का फैसला किया और उसे अपनी रानी बनाया। उन्होंने उसे अपने राज्य में ले जाकर उसे खुश रखा। कुछ समय बाद, राजा दुष्यंत को अपने राज्य में काम होने के कारण दूसरी जगह जाना पड़ा। जब शकुंतला गर्भवती हुई तो उसने राजा को सूचित नहीं किया। राजा दुष्यंत भविष्यवाणी जानते थे कि उनका बेटा संसार का सबसे महान व्यक्ति होगा।

Durvasa curse on Shakuntala

शकुंतला ने अपने बच्चे को जन्म देने के बाद राजा को सूचित किया लेकिन उस समय राजा को महर्षि दुर्वासा ने एक शाप दिया था जिसके कारण वह शकुंतला को भूल गया था। शकुंतला ने राजा को बार-बार अपने बच्चे के बारे में याद दिलाने की कोशिश की लेकिन राजा उसे नहीं मानता था। अंततः, एक दिन शकुंतला अपने बच्चे को जंगल में छोड़ दिया और महर्षि कण्व के आश्रम में लौट गई। बाद में, शकुंतला के बच्चे ने एक महान व्यक्ति के रूप में विख्यात हो गया था। उसे अपने पिता के बारे में जानने का ख्याल था लेकिन उसे उसके नाम का ज्ञान नहीं था।

बाद में, राजा दुष्यंत को उसके बेटे के बारे में पता चला और उसे महर्षि कण्व के आश्रम में उसकी पुत्री शकुंतला की याद आ गई। वह अपनी गलती से पछताता था और अपनी पुत्री को ढूंढने के लिए वह उस महान व्यक्ति से मिलने गया था। राजा दुष्यंत को उसका बेटा मिल गया और उसके वर्तमान से पूर्व के समय की यादें उसे फिर से याद आने लगीं। शकुंतला ने भी अपने पति से मिलने का ख्याल रखा था और उसे उसके आश्रम में बुलाया।

अंततः, राजा दुष्यंत और शकुंतला का पुनर्मिलन हुआ और उनका प्रेम फिर से जागृत हो गया। वे एक दूसरे को फिर से विश्वास देने लगे और खुशी के साथ एक साथ रहने लगे।

Love Stories from Mahabharata

Mahabharata, one of the greatest epics of India, is filled with stories of love, sacrifice, and devotion. Here are some of the most famous love stories from Mahabharata.

Arjuna and Subhadra

Arjuna, one of the Pandavas, falls in love with Subhadra, the sister of Lord Krishna. Krishna noticed their love and decided to help them. He taught Arjuna the art of music and dance, and during one of their lessons, Arjuna and Subhadra eloped. Balarama, Subhadra’s brother, was furious and tried to attack them, but Krishna stopped him. Eventually, Balarama accepted their love and gave them his blessings. Arjuna and Subhadra’s love story is seen as a symbol of true love that overcomes all obstacles. Despite the objections of their families, they get married and have a son named Abhimanyu, who becomes a hero in the Kurukshetra war.

Arjuna and Subhadra

Karna and Vrushali

Karna was a warrior in the Hindu epic, Mahabharata, and a close friend of Duryodhana, the eldest son of King Dhritarashtra. He fell in love with Vrushali, a princess from the kingdom of Kalinga. However, their love was not accepted due to Karna’s lower caste status. Despite this, Vrushali remained devoted to Karna and they eventually got married in secret. Vrushali’s unwavering love and support gave Karna strength during the difficult moments of his life. Their story is often seen as an example of true love that transcends social and cultural barriers.

Bhima and Hidimba

Hidimba and Bhima

Bhima, one of the Pandava brothers, falls in love with Hidimba, a demoness. During their exile, Bhima and his brothers arrived in the forest where they met Hidimba, a demoness who fell in love with Bhima. Hidimba helped the Pandavas in their journey and later, she and Bhima got married. They had a son named Ghatotkacha who became a warrior in the Kurukshetra war. Despite facing challenges due to their different backgrounds, Bhima and Hidimba’s love and loyalty for each other were unwavering.

Shakuntala and Dushyanta

The love story of Shakuntala and Dushyanta is one of the most famous stories in Indian literature. Shakuntala, the daughter of the sage Vishwamitra, falls in love with King Dushyanta. However, he forgets about her when he returns to his kingdom, and she is forced to raise their son alone. Later, Dushyanta remembers her and reunites with her and their son.

Krishna and Radha

Although not a direct part of the Mahabharata story, the love story of Krishna and Radha is often referenced in the text. Krishna, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and Radha, his childhood friend and lover, are known for their pure and selfless love, which becomes a symbol of devotion and the union of the human and the divine.

Krishna and Rukmini

Lord Krishna and Rukmini Devi

Krishna and Rukmini’s love story is one of the most famous tales in Hindu mythology. Rukmini was the princess of Vidarbha, and Krishna was a prince from the Yadava kingdom. Rukmini had heard of Krishna’s greatness and fell in love with him. On the day of her wedding, she sent a letter to Krishna, asking him to rescue her from the arranged marriage. Krishna arrived and eloped with Rukmini. Her brother and other kings tried to stop them, but Krishna defeated them all. Krishna and Rukmini’s love and devotion for each other were unwavering, and they remained together until the end.

These love stories in Mahabharata are not just romantic tales, but they also have moral lessons about the importance of loyalty, sacrifice, and devotion in relationships.

Love Stories of Ramayana

Ramayana, one of the most revered and epic Hindu texts, is filled with many love stories. This epic was first written by Sage Valmiki and later by Goswami Tulsidas. Some of the most famous love stories are:

Ram and Sita

The love story of Ram and Sita is perhaps the most well-known love story in Ramayana. Ram, the prince of Ayodhya, falls in love with Sita, the daughter of King Janaka, when he sees her for the first time. After overcoming various obstacles, including the abduction of Sita by the demon king Ravana, Ram and Sita are finally reunited, and their love story becomes an eternal symbol of devotion and loyalty.

Lakshman and Urmila

Lakshman, Ram’s younger brother, falls in love with Urmila, the younger sister of Sita. Despite Urmila’s insistence that she accompany Lakshman and Sita into exile, Lakshman refuses, knowing the dangers that lie ahead. Instead, he promises to remain loyal to her and return to her after their exile is over. Some legends say that Urmila slept for 14 years and Lakshman did not sleep at all (Gudakesh), i.e. she slept in place of him. Whereas other legends say she waited for him by lighting diyas every year for his protection and safety.

Lakshman wife Urmila

Ravana and Mandodari

Ravana, the demon king of Lanka, is married to Mandodari, who is known for her beauty and wisdom. Despite his love for Mandodari, Ravana is unable to control his desire for Sita and abducts her, leading to his downfall. His wife, Mandodari, was a virtuous and pious queen who tried to dissuade Ravana from his evil ways but was unsuccessful. She remained loyal to him until the end and mourned his death. Mandodari is also known for her wisdom and compassion, and she is often depicted as a symbol of feminine strength and resilience. She is one of Panchkanyas.

Ravana and Mandodari

Shiva and Parvati

Although not a direct part of the Ramayana story, the love story of Shiva and Parvati is often referenced in the text. Shiva, the god of destruction, falls in love with Parvati, the goddess of love and devotion, and their love story becomes a symbol of the union of opposites and the power of true love.

Overall, the love stories in Ramayana serve as powerful reminders of the transformative power of love and the importance of loyalty, devotion, and sacrifice in relationships.

The Love Story of Chitrangada and Arjuna

Who was Chitrangada

Chitrangada was a beautiful princess from the kingdom of Manipur in ancient India. She was the daughter of King Chitravahana and was known for her intelligence, grace, and courage. Here is the story of her love and marriage with the great warrior Arjuna from the Indian epic, Mahabharata.

Arjuna meets Chitrangada

One day, Arjuna, one of the five Pandava brothers, was traveling to the southern region of India on a pilgrimage. He arrived at the kingdom of Manipur, where he met Chitrangada. Arjuna was struck by Chitrangada’s beauty and was immediately drawn to her. He expressed his desire to marry her, but Chitrangada’s father, King Chitravahana, refused. He told Arjuna that Chitrangada was his only child and that he could not afford to lose her as she was the future queen of Manipur.

Arjuna, however, was persistent and vowed to win Chitrangada’s heart. He challenged Chitravahana to a duel and defeated him in battle, earning the right to marry Chitrangada. Chitravahana, impressed by Arjuna’s strength and bravery, gave his daughter’s hand in marriage to the Pandava prince.

Arjuna and Chitrangada’s marriage

Chitrangada and Arjuna’s marriage was a happy one. They lived together in Manipur for many years and had a son named Babruvahana. However, Arjuna was a wanderer and a warrior, and he was called away on various missions. Chitrangada, who had never left Manipur before her marriage, grew restless and expressed her desire to travel with Arjuna.

Arjuna, however, was hesitant to take her with him, as he knew that his duties as a warrior would not allow him to provide a comfortable life for her. Chitrangada, disappointed, decided to leave Arjuna and return to her father’s kingdom. Arjuna understood her plight and gave her the freedom to choose her own destiny. Chitrangada returned to Manipur and ruled the kingdom as a powerful queen.

Arjuna and Chitrangada

Years later, when Arjuna returned to Manipur with his son Babruvahana, he was reunited with Chitrangada. They spent time together and reminisced about their past. Chitrangada was still in love with Arjuna, but she understood that her destiny lay in Manipur, and Arjuna’s lay elsewhere. Arjuna, too, was grateful to Chitrangada for the time they had spent together and the son they had raised.

In conclusion, the story of Chitrangada and Arjuna is a tale of love and sacrifice. Chitrangada sacrificed her desires to rule beside Arjuna, while Arjuna sacrificed his love to fulfill his duties as a warrior. Despite their differences, they maintained a deep respect for each other and remained friends for life. Their story is a testament to the importance of selflessness and the power of love and understanding.

Mohini Avatar of Lord Vishnu

The Mohini Avatar of Lord Vishnu is a famous episode in Hindu mythology. According to the story, during the churning of the ocean of milk, the gods and demons united in order to obtain the amrita, the elixir of immortality. After the amrita was obtained, the demons quickly claimed it for themselves and refused to share it with the gods. In order to restore balance and obtain the amrita for the gods, Lord Vishnu took on the form of a beautiful woman, known as Mohini.

Vishnu as Mohini

The Mohini Avatar is considered to be the most beautiful and enchanting form of Lord Vishnu, and her beauty was said to be so captivating that it bewitched the demons and they were unable to resist her charms. She then tricked the demons into giving her the amrita and distributed it among the gods, ensuring their immortality.

The Mohini Avatar is often depicted in Hindu art and is considered to be a symbol of the power of beauty and charm. It is also considered to be a symbol of the power of illusion and the ability to deceive. The story of the Mohini Avatar is often interpreted as a metaphor for the power of maya, the illusion that obscures the true nature of reality.

In addition to its religious and spiritual significance, the Mohini Avatar is also considered to have cultural and historical significance. Many traditional Indian dance forms, such as the Mohiniyattam, are based on the story of the Mohini Avatar, and depict the beauty and charm of Lord Vishnu in the form of a woman.

In summary, The Mohini Avatar of Lord Vishnu is a famous episode in Hindu mythology, where Lord Vishnu took on the form of a beautiful woman, known as Mohini, during the churning of the ocean of milk, to obtain the amrita, the elixir of immortality from demons and distributed it among the gods, ensuring their immortality. It is considered to be the most beautiful and enchanting form of Lord Vishnu and it is also considered to be a symbol of the power of beauty and charm, illusion and the ability to deceive. It has cultural and historical significance as many traditional Indian dance forms, such as the Mohiniyattam, are based on the story of the Mohini Avatar.

Love Story of Shakuntala and Dushyanta

The story of Shakuntala and Dushyanta is a well-known legend from ancient Indian literature. It is believed to have originated in the Mahabharata Katha, one of the two major epics of ancient India, other being The Ramayana. The Shakuntala story is an important story in India because it has all ingredients of human life

Shakuntala’s parents

According to the legend, Shakuntala was the daughter of the sage Vishwamitra and an apsara (celestial nymph) named Menaka. She was raised in the forest by her father and grew up to be a beautiful and virtuous young woman. There is an interesting love story of Vishwamitra and Menaka.

Shakuntala meets Dushyanta

One day, while gathering flowers in the forest, Shakuntala met the king Dushyanta, who was out on a hunting expedition. They fell in love at first sight and soon became inseparable. Dushyanta eventually had to leave the forest to attend to his royal duties, but promised Shakuntala that he would return and make her his queen.

Shakuntala Story

Shakuntala made a mistake

One day, while she was thinking about Dushyanata, she forgot to greet a revered Sage. Due to this, the sage Durvasa curses her that Dushyanta will forget her. Upon persuasion he relented, but the curse was modified and not lifted off.

Shakuntala and Dushyanta child – Bharat

However, after some time had passed, Shakuntala became pregnant with Dushyanta’s child and decided to go to his kingdom to remind him of his promise. When she arrived, she found that Dushyanta did not recognize her and refused to acknowledge their relationship. Heartbroken and alone, Shakuntala returned to the forest and gave birth to their child, a son named Bharata.

Years later, Dushyanta rediscovered his love for Shakuntala and went to the forest to find her. He encountered Bharata, who had grown into a strong and capable young man, and learned the truth about his relationship with Shakuntala. Dushyanta was filled with regret and sorrow, but eventually reunited with Shakuntala and made her his queen.

The story of Shakuntala and Dushyanta is seen as a tale of love, devotion, and redemption. It has been retold in various forms of literature and has inspired countless works of art throughout the centuries.

This is the end of Shakuntala Story. Below are some more love stories from India.