The meaning and importance of Lord Vishnu’s mantra

There is an interesting story related to Lord Vishnu’s mantra.

Lord Vishnu is described as Shantakaram; always peaceful and steady minded.

Once Sage Kashyapa was celebrating a yajna and all the sages had gathered to witness the same. Now there arose a doubt in their mind as to who was highest of all the divinities. Sage Narada replied that the Trinity – Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara were the highest of all, but Lord Vishnu was Supreme. Either praise or blame never disturbed him. He was every peaceful and in bliss. The sages asked Narada to prove it. Narada called sage Bhrigu aside, whispered something in his hear. Bhrigu was sent to verify the truth of Narada’s statement.

He first went to Brahmaloka. He saw that Lord Brahma was busy in his act of Creation. From afar, Bhrigu started condemning Lord Brahma. He said “Oh! Brahma you don’t have the proper knowledge of creation! Your creation is full of defects and faults. Therefore all your efforts are in vain. Not a single things in your creation is worth praising”. Lord Brahma was annoyed to hear these words. He got up from his seat and came forward to punish Bhrigu. But the sage ran away from Brahmaloka. Then Bhrigu went to Shivaloka. He saw Lord Shiva engaged in Tandava Nritya. From a distance Bhrigu began to criticise Lord Shiva. He said “Oh! You are not looking after your department properly at all. Your task is to destroy the evil of the world; but the world today is full of evil. You are busy dancing the whole day and are not performing the task allotted to you, why should we worship you then?” Lord Shiva was angry to hear this and he was about to open his third eye to burn the sage, but the sage ran away from there.

Then he went to Vaikuntha. He saw Lord Vishnu resting upon the Sesha. He got very angry seeing that Lord was not coming for his devotees but seemed to be engaged in self-enjoyment; he went near Lord Vishnu and kicked hard upon his chest. Then Bhrigu was afraid of the consequences and was about to run away. But to his surprise he saw Lord Vishnu getting up from his seat falling at his feet. The Lord said, “Oh sage! please forgive me for not noticing you and ignoring you, thereby causing anger to rise in you; My iron-like chest may have injured your foot. Let me press it and comfort you”. What great tolerance! What peaceful state! Bhrigu was taken back to hear these words and asked the Lord to forgive him.

Then the Sage came back to the council of the sages at the yajna and narrated the whole story. Hearing it, all the sages believed that Lord Vishnu alone was Shantaakaram and their doubt was cleared.

Read more about the mantra here:

Shantakaram Bhujagshayanam – Lord Vishnu Mantra

Shantakaram Bhujagshayanam – Lord Vishnu Mantra

Importance of Lord Vishnu’s mantra is detailed below.


I bow to Lord Vishnu the One Master of the Universe, who is ever peaceful, who reclines on the great serpent bed, from whose navel springs the Lotus of the Creative Power, who is the Supreme Being, who supports the entire universe, who is all-pervading as the sky, who is dark like the clouds and has a beautiful form; the Lord of Lakshmi, the lotus-eyed One, whom the yogis are able to perceive through meditation, He, who is the destroyer of the fear of Samsar.

Shantakaram - Lord Vishnu

Shantakaram – Lord Vishnu

Shantakaram Bhujagshayanam

Significance of Garuda as the Vehicle of Vishnu

It is the heart of man that is referred to as a bird. It carries the thought of God; it moves swiftly to where He is. His abode is Vaikuntha meaning a place where there is no shadow of grief. How far is it? It is within the hearing distance of every grief – stricken heart. “I do not dwell in Vaikuntha or in the heart of Yogis. I am present wherever my devotees sing my praise Oh Narada”.

The Efficacy of Vishnu Mantra

Lord Vishnu is so compassionate and merciful. Once sage Bhrigu wanted to test the Trinity (the three gods of creation, sustenance and destruction namely Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva) as to who is the most tolerant one. When he used abusive language at the Brahmaloka and Shivaloka, he was duly cursed and punished by them.

Then he went to Vaikunt, the abode of Lord Vishnu. By way of testing the patience and tolerance of the Lord, he kicked the Lord with his foot. At once, Lord Vishnu caught hold of the sage’s feet and caressed it saying that by kicking, the foot would have invited some pain and therefore he wanted to ease his discomfort.

The sage was so amazed with the degree to which the Lord can put up with the act of dishonour. This incident was enough for him to conclude that Lord Vishnu was the most merciful, loving and compassionate Lord.

Praying to Lord Vishnu is a way to get his blessings in abundance. Daily prayers to Vishnu is advised to get the most positive results. Those who want to get their wishes fulfilled must chant Vishnu Mantra on a daily basis completing a round of 108 times.

Wake up early in the morning, light ghee lamp and incense in front of the picture or idol of Lord Vishnu and offer some pure water and flowers besides any prasad you might feel comfortable with. Be seated in front of the altar and chat the mantra sincerely contemplating on the meaning. You will find your wishes coming true in due course with the blessings of Lord Vishnu.

Maa Katyayani

The sixth manifestation of Goddess Durga worshipped on Navratri Shasti is ‘Katyayani’. The goddess is known as Katyayani because she was born to Sage Katyayan.

The sixth manifestation of Goddess Durga worshipped on Navratri Shasti is ‘Katyayani’. The goddess is known as Katyayani because she was born to Sage Katyayan.

The appearance of Goddess Katyayani is as radiant as a gold. She can be seen seated on a Lion. Her arms blesses the devotees. Her one hand is in Abhay Mudra and the second hand is in Varamudra. She holds weapons in one hand and lotus in the other.

Story of birth of Goddess Katyayani

Goddess Katyayani took birth in Katyayan’s ashram to protect the sages and devas from the demons and devils. Sage Katyayana was the nurturer of the goddess. She took birth in Katyayan’s ashram to protect the sages and devas from the demons and devils. The wrath of the demon, Mahishasura was increasing terribly in all the three worlds. In order to kill this demon, the trinity of Gods – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, created the Goddess Durga who was an aggregate of the powers of all the deities.

Sage Katyayana performed a hard penance of goddess Bhagawati to get goddess Durga born to him in the form of daughter. The Goddess acceded to his request and was born as the daughter of Sage Katyayana. Sage Katyayan wished goddess Durga to take birth in his ashram in the form of his daughter. The goddess acceded to his request and took birth to him on Dakshin Krishna Chaturdashi. Katyayana worshiped her for three days on Shukla Saptami, Ashtami and Navami. On the tenth day i.e on Vijayadashami she killed Mahishasura and gave freedom to all the gods from his atrocities.

The devotee should worship the goddess on the sixth day with rituals to please her. Her worship done with devotion and faith leads to the attainment of Dharma, Artha, Karma and Moksha.

    Maa Brahmacharini

    The second day of navratri or dwitiya day of shukla paksha of ashwin month is considered for the worship of maa Brahmacharini. on this day,  the moon is in Chitra Nakshtra. Brahma that is who observes penance(tapa) and good conduct. Here “Brahma” means “Tapa”. The idol of this Goddess is very gorgeous. There is rosary in her right hand and Kamandal in left hand. She is full with merriment. One story is famous about her. In previous birth she was Parvati Hemavati the daughter of Himvan.

    Legend behind Devi Parvati marrying Lord Shiva

    Once when she was busy in games with her friends. Naradaji came to her and predicted seeing her Palm-lines that, “You will get married with a naked-terrible ‘Bhole baba’ who was with you in the form of Sati, the daughter of Daksh in previous birth. But now you have to perform penance for him.” There upon Parvati told her mother Menaka that she would marry none except Shambhu, otherwise she would remain unmarried. Saying this she went to observe penance. That is why her name is famous as tapacharini – Brahmacharini. From that time her name Uma became familiar.

    Maa Brahmacharini is worshipped on second day of Navratri.

    Today you can say the day for Chandra darshan. We observe nine forms of Maa Durga for the accomplishment of different desires. On this very auspicious day we observe Maa Brahmacharini. We can ward off all the sorrow and tensions by worshipping Maa Durga and get the benefits.

    Maa Brahmacharini has created the shashtra like mahabal and mahavidya in 108 forms of Maa Durga. She is considered as the second most influential goddess. As Brahma is the founder of all Vedas and knowledge, Maa Brahmacharini represents all the Mantra and creation. She is the symbol of all knowledge in this perishable world. She holds a rosary in her right hand and Kamandalu in her left. She personifies love and loyalty. Rudraksha is her most adorned ornament.

    Beej Mantras and their importance

    Beej Mantras are seed mantras. Beej mantras are sounds with spiritual powers. They work out miracles in a profound way for the devotees who follow them. Each diety has a specific beej mantra. One could pick a beej mantra and repeat it in the mind as often as possible. In a way mental/conscious repetition will morph into unconscious repetition. Mind can be trained to focus. It will be good if a Guru can impart it. It is difficult to find a Guru who is genuine. Sit in front of a photo of Sri Dattatreya or Sai Baba or Sri Guru Raghavendra and offer dakshina and request their guidance in reciting the mantra and avoidance of mistakes.

    Beej mantras for Ganesh, Vishnu, Hanuman, Lakshmi and Saraswathi can be practiced by any one. But for Devi sadhanas where every syllable matters, caution needs to be exercised.


    OM is the symbol for the whole universe. It carries three basic sounds: A-U-M. These three basic sounds through which all the sounds have evolved. So OM is the basic trinity of sound, the synthesis of all the basic roots. That’s why OM is considered the secret mantra, the greatest mantra, because it implies the whole existence, it represents the sound of soundlessness, the beauty of silence.


    OM represents the music of existence, the soundless sound, the sound of silence. OM represents the inner most music of our being, the inner harmony, the inner humming sound which happens when our body, mind, soul are in deep totality, when the visible and the invisible, the un-manifest and the manifest, the relative and absolute, the outer and inner are in deep togetherness.

    To become one with OM-the music of existence is to attain fulfillment.

    Ganapati: Gam

    For realization of Lord Ganapati, knowledge, wisdom, protection, fortune, happiness, health, wealth, elimination of all obstacles and all round success.


    Hanuman: Fraum

    For realization of Lord Hanuman, unlimited strength,power, protection, wisdom, happiness, elimination of bad spirits & ghosts, victory over enemies and every conceivable success.

    Shri Hanuman Jee

    Vishnu: Dam

    For realization of Lord Vishnu, wealth, health, protection, happy married life, happiness, victory and all round success.

    Shri Vishnu

    Kuber: Dhham

    For realization of Lord Kuber, massive monetary gain,wealth, fortune and all round success.

    Lord Kubera

    Mahalaxmi: Shreem

    For realization for Goddess Mahalaxmi, wealth, material gains, success in business or profession, elimination of ailments & worries, protection, gettinga beautiful wife, happy married life and all roundsuccess.

    Mahalaxmi Shreem

    Saraswati: Ayeim or Aim

    For realization of Goddess Saraswati, knowledge, wisdom, success in exams, pleasure and all round success.

    Bhuvaneshwari: Hreem

    For realization for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari, getting everything including but not limited to Kundalini Jagran. The best and the most powerful. This mantra should be used for those who aspire to be leader of men and achieve every desire. It is important to remember to be reasonable for the mantra to be effective.

    Kali: Kreem

    For realization for Goddess Kali, health, strength, protection, elimination of enemies, solution of grave problems and all round success.

    Shiv: Hroum

    For realization for Lord Shiv, protection from deadlydiseases, immortality, moksh and all round success.

    Durga: Doom

    For realization for Goddess Durga, power, strength,protection, health, wealth, victory, wisdom, knowledge, elimination of enemies & grave problems, happy married life and all round success. One gets whatever one wants.

    Kamraj mantra: Kaleem

    Fulfills one’s desires.

    Bhairav: Bhram

    For realization of Lord Bhairav, success in Mahavidya or Shakti sadhanas, strength, protection, victory,health, wealth, happiness, fame, success in courtcases, elimination of enemies, success in life and all round success.Offering Cashew Nut garland to the Lord is auspicious.

    Dhoomavati: Dhoom

    For realization of Goddess Dhoomavati, quick elimination of all adversaries, strength, fortune, protection, health, wealth and all round success.

    Bagalamukhi: Hleem or Hlreem

    For realization of Goddess Bagalamukhi, quick elimination of all enemies, fierce power, victory, fame, elimination of tantra badha, nullifying maranproyogs of enemies and all round success.

    Tara: Treem

    For realization of Goddess Tara, unending monetary gain, unlimited wealth, fortune, fame, happiness, victory and all round success.

    Narsimha: Kshraum

    For realization of Lord Narsimha, quick victory overenemies, elimination of enemies, fortune and all round success. This mantra removes all sorrows and fears.

    Akash Tatva: Ham

    For activating the Akash Tatva (space element) in us which gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments related to this element. Activation of all elements leads to quicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak to access all supernatural powers.

    Agni Tatva: Ram

    For activating the Agni Tatva (fire element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

    Vayu Tatva: Yam

    For activating the Vayu Tatva (air element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

    Prithvi Tatva: Ksham

    For activating the Prithvi Tatva (earth element) in uswhich gets us siddhis and eliminates ailments relatedto this element. Activation of all elements leads toquicker awakening of Kundalini and enables a sadhak toaccess all supernatural powers.

    Shanti (Peace): Tam

    For getting rid of disease, worry, fear and illusions.

    Some simple mantras are given which can be recited by anyone and help achieve what the sadhak wants. They have simple or no methodology associated with them.

    Panch Akshari – “Om Namah Shivaye” – It fulfills all desires.It leads to moksha and all sins are destroyed. It has no methodology assocaited and can be recited by anyone anytime.

    Asht Akshari – “Om Namah Narayanaya” – One can achieve and can be blessed with anything.

    Ganpati Mantra – “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha” – It not only removes all obstacles but also gives success in one’s efforts.

    Hanuman Mantra – “Om Hoom Hanumate Rudratamakaye hoom phut swaha” – There is no favour that Hanumanji cannot bestow. Hanumanji is the embodiment of all good qualities which he freely gives to his devotees.

    Saraswati Mantra – “Om Aim Kleeng Saum Saraswatiya Namaha” – It makes a person a learned scholar and he attains high proficiency in education. This mantra should be recited in the morning.

    Dattatreya Mantra – “Om Hareem Parambraham Parmaatmane Hari Harbrahyendraya Dattatroyaye swaha” – Dattatreya can bestow everything on his followers.

    Though Karna was not, his son was close to Pandavas

    Karna’ son Vrishketu survived the war of Mahabharata and later he grew close to Pandavas. He also accompanied Arjuna to Rajsuya yagya. In the famous incident of Arjuna killed by Babhruvahana, Vrishketu was also killed.

    Shri Krishna held Vrishketu in high regard, as he chose to revive him before Arjuna.

    Full story is here

    Karna’s family – Vrushali and Vrishketu